I wish the bonnet didn't look so much like it's painted onto the head like one of those plastic static-cling decals. It doesn't quite look right for some reason, to me. Otherwise I'd enjoy it more...it's so silly.

Despite the fact that simply defining one of the other textures to go onto the clothing meshes doesn't look quite proper since the texture covers everything (like the boots...), I still like this pair I did:
Something about it feels film-noir in an odd way. The color and the hats, I guess. Wish I had the patience to do some real clothes.
I really like that texture on the dress which is it if I may ask.
The clothes mods have made tend to be easier to retexture due to often not being one piece suits like vanilla assets.
Rather broken up with nice details like belts and qloves, which you can also retexture to break up block coloured areas much like on miniatures.
However I hate tampering with something others have worked hard on, except if.
I can get permission first to do so, and if the character I'm building it for needs to look exactly like I imagine it.
Having taken another look with fresh eyes, you're very right the bonnet does look too pasted on.
I think this may have to do with the texture, too clean too bright.
I may try when I download the geck some of the wasteland outfits textures to grim it up a bit.
Normally the pc's would not wear the bonnet tbh, however on this build it fit in my head as right for the look.
It was that or the desperado cowboy hat which looked good but made the character more cowboy than caravaneer.