What's your Favourite TES game?

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:00 pm

I wish I could choose all of them because they're all great RPGs but if I had to pick my favorite it would be Daggerfall and my least favorite would be Morrowind.

As for developer I really don't care because each have their contributions to TES. In Arena and Daggerfall we had a massive world to explore and in Oblivion and Morrowind we had a smaller but more detailed world. Both great worlds in my opinion.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:13 am

Most favorite: Daggerfall, then Morrowind at 2nd.
Least favorite: Oblivion. Unlike most people here, I loved Arena and the plot of Jagar Tharn. Oblivion is just... ugh.
Developer: Julian. As has been said, Todd Howard isn't exactly good. He caters to the vast majority rather than the small niche TES was supposed to belong to, making mediocre games. You can either make a great game that a few people will like because of depth and plot (Daggerfall), or make a profitable one almost everyone likes because of how it has pretty explosions (Fallout 3). Not to mention how he's called people who like lore things such as "lore mongerers", among other things. Oh, and then there's him bragging how he wants to make TES more like Lord of the Rings. I'm just glad we had a different lead dev for Morrowind, at least until Bloodmoon.

:nono: everything before morrowind was crap, that's why it almost bankrupted the company and Oblivion was by far better than morrowind. Todd Howard has built that company up and taken them places they never could've gotten to with julian. :nono:

... :facepalm:
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Richard Thompson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:24 pm

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Dale Johnson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:13 am

Hmm i never liked these threads comparing older games to younger games. Daggerfall and Arena are going to get excluded for their graphcis and because people have never played them. For its time aArena and Daggerfall were probably one of the more popular video games. Now i prefer Morrowind, but if Julian Lefay did the older games i would love to see her come back to do TES V instead of Todd.
My votes were

1.) Morrowind
2.) Oblivion
3.) Julian Lefay
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Taylah Illies
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:14 am

, but if Julian Lefay did the older games i would love to see her come back to do TES V instead of Todd.
My votes were

1.) Morrowind
2.) Oblivion
3.) Julian Lefay

I agree Julian should come back.
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Rich O'Brien
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:28 am

For least favorite put none, and both in question 3. I don't DIVIDE TES games. Thank you!

1.) Morrowind
2.) None
3.) Both
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Emily Graham
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:33 am

No, this is also my opinion on his opinion and if I'm not mistaken a forum is about discussion.

The moderators are not mistaken in declaring that calling other members or their opinions or their ideas "stupid" is not any kind of decent or orderly discussion but is flaming and subject to forum sanctions.

If there is a next time for the recent posts that have been deleted from this thread, there will be suspensions.
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Samantha Wood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:24 am

I think if u give this a pole maybe a few months later more people will choose Daggerfall as their favorite. I'm a huge Morrowind fan. Just installed Daggerfall a few days ago. Not even joking Morrowind doesn't even compare to Daggerfall.


I can't really comment on the other TES games b/c i never played them but i've seen them on youtube. From what i see the Arena svcked. Battlespires was OK, and Redguard Adventures actually looked really bad ass.

Just one qustion how can u put TES V as an option if nobody playd it yet? lol and how could anybody vote for it. :/

And Todd Howard is da man. Please.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:38 pm

Oblivion, in my opinion, kind of returned to Daggerfall's "do whatever you want" mindset. Honestly, after Morrowind, I could understand if the developers wanted to go a bit more "freeform" with the next game. Between the physics, large open countryside, and generic dungeons, it certainly felt that way. Oh, except it had nowhere near as many skills or factions as Morrowind had.
[Todd] caters to the vast majority rather than the small niche TES was supposed to belong to, making mediocre games. You can either make a great game that a few people will like because of depth and plot (Daggerfall), or make a profitable one almost everyone likes because of how it has pretty explosions (Fallout 3).

Aye. Arena and Daggerfall were supposed to cater to nerdy Pen-and-Paper RPG types. Said games have you fill in so many blanks with your imagination I'd go so far as to say they're merely hands-on, visual proctors for one's own mental roleplaying experiences. Now, Morrowind came out alright (I wouldn't call it a step forward from or backward from Daggerfall - I'd call it something else entirely, but the tradeoff for quality over quantity was wonderful) - I'm sure there were actually people who missed the labyrinthine, endless dungeons and the randomly generated quests. To an extent, I sure do. However, Morrowind was a glimpse into the future of RPGs, how they could convey both depth and intricate, hand-crafted beauty at the same time (something its predecessors weren't necessarily good at).

Todd...I'm not sure what to make of him. Whereas Bethesda was supposed to be a small-scale company, one that was able to take risks with in-house technology (XnGine was superior to the Quake engine in many regards, despite the differences in world scope and rendering methods). However, now they're famous, and they probably can't risk transitioning back to a more traditional RPG mindset, unless it's done very gradually.

The fact most of the "official" game reviewers, the ones who slap all the "Game of the Year" stickers on the boxes, are people who generally haven't played the previous TES games and have no reference to work with doesn't help much either.

It'd be great of Julian and Tedders were to return, but I don't see it happening. Todd Howard seems to be calming down a bit after Fallout 3, though.
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Cameron Wood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:45 am

thats a hard one, im between Daggerfall and Oblivion, Arena is a lot of fun to pick up for 10 minutes and put down again (something you cant really do for any other TES games), I havent played enough Morrowind, im going to get a copy real soon, i lost my old one :(
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:57 am

so i got a new copy of Morrowind GOTY (6 bucks lol) today

and im suprised so many people picked it as their favorite, while it was my first TES game it has a lot of flaws in light of the others

1)the envoirnment isnt very diverse, its all marshland

2)the combat isnt very involved, it almost seems turn based

3)The graphics in Daggerfall may be old, but at least the people look like people, not deformed blocks

4)Traveling can be a pain in that ass

5)its wayyyy too easy to get away with murder, im a level 1 and i killed 2 people on my "murderer" profile

6)allthough i havent played all of them, the quests seem rather samey

I feel like Oblivion solved all these problems and was just an overall better game even if they took out some stuff. jmo
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:35 am

so i got a new copy of Morrowind GOTY (6 bucks lol) today

and im suprised so many people picked it as their favorite, while it was my first TES game it has a lot of flaws in light of the others

1)the envoirnment isnt very diverse, its all marshland

You might want to, you know, step out of the Bitter Coast region.

I feel like Oblivion solved all these problems and was just an overall better game even if they took out some stuff. jmo

What it always really came down to for me was the world, its presentation, and the believability. A lot of things in Oblivion just outright pissed me off. Morrowind just made sense. That, and it was not nearly as cliche as Oblivion, which was a walking Lord of the Rings rip-off.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:37 pm

Yes. We do. Oblivion fails at failing.

Doesn't that mean it succeeds?
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noa zarfati
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:15 pm

so i got a new copy of Morrowind GOTY (6 bucks lol) today

and im suprised so many people picked it as their favorite, while it was my first TES game it has a lot of flaws in light of the others

1)the envoirnment isnt very diverse, its all marshland

:lmao: :rofl: :lmao: :rofl:
Ahh. You, sir, made my day. Morrowind GOTY is incredibly diverse in its regions. Grasslands, temperate meadows/trees, badlands/wastelands, swamps, ashlands, all with varying topography and terrain. As Orzorn has said, try stepping out of the bitter coast region.

2)the combat isnt very involved, it almost seems turn based

The combat may not be visually involving, but it utilizes character skills/attributes significantly. If you want to hit things, train your weapon skills, don't enter into combat with half fatigue, don't spam the attack button (pull your weapon all the way back), and don't use an attack method that doesn't make sense for the weapon. All of that's seems more complicated than, "swing, swing, block," which Oblivion utlized.

3)The graphics in Daggerfall may be old, but at least the people look like people, not deformed blocks

Err... What? I'll admit that the animations were terrible even for 2002, but the segmented bodies were a pretty large achievement. Daggerfall didn't have to deal with segmentation because Daggerfall used flat sprites that, er, weren't rendered in 3 dimesions with a fairly high poly count for the time.

4)Traveling can be a pain in that ass

As it should be. Getting from point A to point B is not as simple as, "Oh, I think I'll rematerialize here now with no cost or consequence whatsoever." Pay for travel services, or buy mark/recall or intervention scrolls/spells.

5)its wayyyy too easy to get away with murder, im a level 1 and i killed 2 people on my "murderer" profile

How so? If you have two murders on your record, then guards should be chasing you down whenever you walk in a city. If you mean that guards don't immediately lock onto you like a homing beacon via some unnatural form of telepathy, then you are correct. How very realistic.

6)allthough i havent played all of them, the quests seem rather samey

Again, how so? No matter what the medium, most quests are going to involve a "go here, get this" or "go here, kill this" or "go here, find out this" approach to things. At least Morrowind offers a much better and more believable variety of organizations that dispense quests. And it's not the simplified nature of the quest itself but the organizational background and overtones that give the quests meaning and complication.

I feel like Oblivion solved all these problems and was just an overall better game even if they took out some stuff. jmo

And I disagree, as do apparently quite a few people. Oblivion attempted to fix problems, to be sure, but it ended up breaking the things it sought to fix in the opposite direction. And between the two styles of "broken," I vastly prefer the original way.
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Suzy Santana
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:33 pm

so i got a new copy of Morrowind GOTY

1)the envoirnment isnt very diverse, its all marshland

:rofl: :rofl:

In Vvardenfell you have: Ascadian Isles, Ashlands, Azura's Coast, Bitter Coast, Grazelands, Molag Amur, Red Mountain, Sheogorad, West Gash
then add to that Mournhold (Tribunal), and Felsaad Coast, Hirstang Coast, Isinfier Plains and Moesring Mountains (Bloodmoon)

I presume you bought the game recently, so probably haven't travelled far (maybe still in the Bitter Coast Region), there's plenty of variety in landscape and architecture, that's one of the strong points in Morrowind, further strengthened by the expansion packs. There's pretty much something for everybody out there :foodndrink: Take more time to explore the rich lands of Morrowind :goodjob:

My favourite TES game is Daggerfall, closely followed by Morrowind.
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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:29 am

ive explored balmora, Ebonheart, Gnisis, Ald Ruhn, pretty thoroughly. The lack of fast travel would be fine if the wilerness were full of wildlife and differing scenery like oblivion, but it seems i spend so much time just traversing rocks and empty land which is just really boring. i know its more "realistic" to not have fast travel but the Elder Scrolls is not meant to be grounded in realism.
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Theodore Walling
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:38 am

Daggerfall is great, so much choice...

Morrowind wasn't a step up or down, it was side ways. Then Oblivion took a step closer to Daggerfall, but only made it to the middle.

edit 1:Rustin, its full of life. Go to the ashlands, see how many tiems your attacked by a blighted cliff racer. Why don't you go to solstheim :biglaugh:, see some snow, or head out to sheogorad region? Plunder a dwemer fortress? Raid a bandit cave? Have fun, in this game, its a lot more slow-paced, you got to chill, work up your skills. In Oblivion, everything is leveled, I Morrowind is never scaled. And if you haven't seen much life, then you been really unlucky. *Checks Rustin's Real Life Luck* oh its only 20, I see why, keep looking.

edit 2: Oblivion has far less differing scenery than Morrowind, and barely any of it is bare, like I said above go check out sheogorad region, enter a daedric ruin, tell me how bare it is :biglaugh:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:32 pm

1)the envoirnment isnt very diverse, its all marshland

WHAT?!?!?!?! There were like 100000000+ different environments. Marshland you say? Get a levittion spell. fly over the gohst gate. fly to the GIANT VOLCANO. THAT ISN'T MARSHLAND.

4)Traveling can be a pain in that ass

In real life you can't just magically apper anywhere you've been before, same with TES; even with magic. unless your a sload. Mark/recall works fine, just mark a safe spot.

6)allthough i havent played all of them, the quests seem rather samey

WUT? there are like 7 factions, including only one of the houses. I think the "samey" quests came in oblivion, "Go get me a sigil stone. good. go get me armor. good. go get me a welkned stone. good. go get me an artifact. good. go get me the Amulet of kings...." it goes on forever. I half expect the statue to say something.
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Lalla Vu
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:36 pm

Daggerfall is great, so much choice...

Morrowind wasn't a step up or down, it was side ways. Then Oblivion took a step closer to Daggerfall, but only made it to the middle.

edit 1:Rustin, its full of life. Go to the ashlands, see how many tiems your attacked by a blighted cliff racer. Why don't you go to solstheim :biglaugh:, see some snow, or head out to sheogorad region? Plunder a dwemer fortress? Raid a bandit cave? Have fun, in this game, its a lot more slow-paced, you got to chill, work up your skills. In Oblivion, everything is leveled, I Morrowind is never scaled. And if you haven't seen much life, then you been really unlucky. *Checks Rustin's Real Life Luck* oh its only 20, I see why, keep looking.

edit 2: Oblivion has far less differing scenery than Morrowind, and barely any of it is bare, like I said above go check out sheogorad region, enter a daedric ruin, tell me how bare it is :biglaugh:

this is actually a very good way of putting it. the more i explore morrowind i see its a completely different world than anything done before. I for one prefer the Daggerfall environment the most, you can chill in the desert one day, then head to a snow covered mountain the next. I thought Oblivion just had a cool environment, i loved exploring the imperial city, going to the arena, Inn hopping in the forrest, maybe slaughtering a wilderness cult or two as well as hundreds of bandits. I hope the next TES game comes closer to Daggerfall, but for now i still prefer oblivion to daggerfall.
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jessica breen
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:25 am

this is actually a very good way of putting it. the more i explore morrowind i see its a completely different world than anything done before. I for one prefer the Daggerfall environment the most, you can chill in the desert one day, then head to a snow covered mountain the next. I thought Oblivion just had a cool environment, i loved exploring the imperial city, going to the arena, Inn hopping in the forrest, maybe slaughtering a wilderness cult or two as well as hundreds of bandits. I hope the next TES game comes closer to Daggerfall, but for now i still prefer oblivion to daggerfall.

Thank you, Azura, for showing him the Morrowind! :Prays to Azura:
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Jade Payton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:07 am

Thank you, Azura, for showing him the Morrowind! :Prays to Azura:

never said ill love morrowind, but im going to keep exploring it until i can get enough time to get on my Xbox (im doing college stuff so i can only play games in between writing and filling out apps) and go back to Oblivion.

your avatar is funny btw, it reminds me of the Battlemages at daggerfall castle that keep eternally walking towards the walls for no particular reason. :biglaugh:
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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:24 pm


*: Preferred Arena to it. For some reason... Probably 'cause it was my first TES Game. Daggerfall. Despite trying my best to appreciate it, I couldn't get into the mood.

I have these weird feelings of hatred concerning Oblivion. It just isn't what I expected. And I didn't quite get an amazing unpredictable wow feeling when playing it either.
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Javaun Thompson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:43 am

never said ill love morrowind, but im going to keep exploring it until i can get enough time to get on my Xbox (im doing college stuff so i can only play games in between writing and filling out apps) and go back to Oblivion.

your avatar is funny btw, it reminds me of the Battlemages at daggerfall castle that keep eternally walking towards the walls for no particular reason. :biglaugh:

Its actually, the feared, the evil, the screamer of VENGEANCE!!!!!!!! I am a Daggerfallian Vampire Ancient, be afraid, for if I scream the phrase above you're already dead.
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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:07 pm

I chose Morrowind for the first one, Redguard for the second, and Todd for the third. I didn't find Oblivion that bad :shrug: a lot of missing details that were in Morrowind, but didn't Morrowind have a lot of details missing that were in Daggerfall.
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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:51 am

I chose Morrowind for the first one, Redguard for the second, and Todd for the third. I didn't find Oblivion that bad :shrug: a lot of missing details that were in Morrowind, but didn't Morrowind have a lot of details missing that were in Daggerfall.

Daggerfall was almost completely random...
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