From what ive heard and seen of TES ll id have to agree with manninmarcoo.
And by succesful mannimarcoo i think that he means he made it possible for the nubs to play it elderscrolls through the dumbing down and such.
You didnt actually play Daggerfall but you think Morrowind and Oblivion are "dumbed down" for nubs. Isnt that a bit hypocritical?
You, although entitled to defend your opinions - politely - shouldn't attempt to play grammar or spelling cop as a "rebuttal". Knock that off too. Stick to the topic.
Ok, I wont. I might have over reacted. But a rebuttal can be fair.
Your post has inspired me. I just donated all of my cash monies to a company that's researching sniper rifles that can shoot people over the internet. If the technology is sucessful i get a free Sniper rifle.
You failed to redeem yourself. I actually expected some
real arguments.

Don't care which developer is my favorite. Both contribute to what we have (TES) as of this moment.
Well said.
This is how the games will feel from beginning, to where you have completed everything.
Boring - Interesting - Great
Great - Interesting - Boring
There lies something in that.
Now, what I mean with my first post is (and rest assured I have played all the TES RPG's) is that Morrowind isnt a step backwards from Daggerfall. In it's time all the unique things it offered were marvelous. In Daggerfall, although it is huge, everything is generic. And when Morrowind came, nobody had experienced such a large world with for example each bandit NPC unique and even named. It's a new era of the games, and sticking in the old era today would make a game very unpopular. Everything that was previously very D&D has been integrated into the game to make it more realistic. You dont need to roll a dice when the game engine will do it for you.
The features in Morrowind and Oblivion would have been in the older games too, if the technology had allowed it. It's not because the general public are "too dumb" that games have changed. And that misconception has brought about the entire elitist spirit among some fans of older games people, something I dont like at all.