Pickpocket thief. Being able to get away with something and the victim not even realize it. Even funnier is when the Speech skill perks are high enough, the merchant will buy back their own stolen goods.
Stealth archer seems to be my main build, tried melee/magic but always fall back to the AT&T Builds (aka reach out and touch someone!)
Conjurer master race.
Usually I'll go with 3 builds.
A light/Heavy armor warrior that uses shield and one handed sword with a bit of Restoration.
An Assassin that uses the full aspects of stealth outside of illusion.
A Mage that focuses on Destruction, Conjuration, and Restoration.
All of my builds use Restoration as it's a great skill to use.
2H Battlemage
Skills being...
2-Handed Weaponry
Archery (For Crossbows. I love me'h crossbows)
Heavy Armor