Well my modding story began before I even knew what MW was. I have been a gamer since 1989. My first game that I ever got was Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt. Anyways, I have always been a console gamer and never really was into PC gaming. But one day while I was out with my family and we went to Comp USA, I wondered around the store and stumbled upon a game and was like, "Well, it's a game, eventhough it's not a console game." So as I clicked and clicked on this game, I started to have fun. So after my parents were ready to leave, I was so hooked on this game I couldn't move away from it! So whenever we went to Comp USA, I went right over to the game and started playing it. The name of the game that got me hooked is Dungeon Siege. I know, I know that seems a little forbidden on these forums, but hey let me finish my story
It was around the holidays when I got hooked on Dungeon Siege, so I begged my parents to buy this game for me. After I got the game, no one, absolutely no one could tear me away from this game! I played through the single player campaign a few times before I decided to actually go online and play out of curiosity because I wondered what the multiplayer campaign was like because you couldn't do it in singleplayer mode. (yeah I was a total newb) Anyways, after playing online by myself I joined another person's game and played with them and found out about a secret level that you can get to if you save your starting weapon in sp campaign. I was kinda stoked about it because that was all the rage back then everytime someone joined my game they would ask, "Chicken's or Crystwind to Quillrabe". (man! I miss those days! Going from Crystwind to Quillrabe gives you better experience then going the way the game has it set up) The Chicken Level that I speak of is a level where you can get some pretty sweet drops from some over-sized dangerous chickens. I mean seriously dangerous because one peck can either kill you or take 75% of your health.

(For those of you who have ever played Dungeon Siege knows what I am talking about) So after playing the Chicken Lvl a numerous of times, I joined one person's game who had a spell (hacked = non-legit) that could summon the chicken's from the Secret Lvl. But these were ten times worse if you were a certain lvl. I got killed a numerous of times just trying to swing my sword or cast a spell at it. Until after I was revived, someone else used another hacked spell on me (Agony of Agony) and I went from my current low-lvl character to a lvl 150 Siegemasteress! But after I got the goodies from the chickens and loaded up my game to play with all of my new toys. I couldn't. They all fell off of my character and all I could do was pick them all back up and just look at them in my inventory.
So I was determined to lvl up to those items when I discovered another person's game and joined in. As I was going through the level in sp campaign, I killed a Krug and all sorts of goodies popped out of him! I was like, HUH?! But I thought only the chickens could do that! So then after killing about 20 of those creatures (lol I love treasure...muhahahahahaha!) I was set and decked out in things that I normally would have a hard time playing the game without this person. So then, I had asked the host, how did you get the Krug to drop all of those things? He told me that he was playing a mod called Kane's Loot (I think that was the name of it). So I asked where he got it from and he told me to go to Planet Dungeon Siege to get the mod. So I went and dl'ed it and was really confused on how to do anything when it comes to installing mods. So I found the guy's game again and joined it to ask him how do I install it. He told me how and I was set then!

I played the mod so much, that I had to go back to the site and get more! I was looking for the same author as the one that I dl'ed the mod I was using. I dl'ed another mod that gave me the ability to summon chickens. So I went back online feeling like I hit the lottery with the mods I just dl'ed and joined another person's game with the same mods but a brand new one that I had never seen before! You guys can pretty much get where I am going with this...yes I got hooked on playing mods.
So after getting my fill with all of these different mods, I was starting to get bored with Dungoen Siege, 1.) I had beaten everything there was in-game including the ending boss a numerous of times and being able to actually own his staff that he uses to cast his spells with, 2.) I started to miss playing legit as well but that feeling went real fast... 3.) I wanted to mod for the game so that I could actually enjoy the game more, but sad to say it was a little bit too complex for me at the time... :brokencomputer: (I know, epic fail on my part *sighs*) 4.) I just needed a new game! :hubbahubba:
So about two years had passed (I was playing another PC game called D&D: TOEE from dl'ing a free trial of it and got hooked again) and I was getting bored of that game too because I had tried another game and got hooked on it, but couldn't find it anywhere (I have the game now at last). So me and my mom when out to Wally-world (Wal-Mart) and again I wondered off looking at new released console games and games that were already out but I didn't have but wanted to play. I was walking around the PC game section when this game jumped out at me. I picked it up, flipped it over and with curiosity I read the back of the game to see what it was about. I was kind of skeptical about it because I knew nothing about it or heard anything about it. It said GOTY Edition on the Gold and Black box and it showed that it came with expansion packs. I was thrilled about that aspect of it because Dungeon Siege has expansion packs too. So it was right within price range ($20.00 + tax) and I had the monies to get it....so I bought it but was a little nervous because I never buy with renting or doing a free-trial. (That can be a total waste of your time and money ugh...) So when I got home, I popped the installation disks in (in the right order), and started playing it. I was completely clueless as to how the game handles control wise, so the first thing, better yet third thing, I got killed twice in-game first due to the controls and my newbism to the game. So after I configured the controls to my liking...that is where I began. I wondered around Seyda Neen looking for a shop to buy some weapons and potions to start exploring Vvardenfel. I met the infamous Fargoth and gave him his ring back. After I bought my weapons, I explored around the town, selling anything I found that so that I could get better weapons and armor. After that was over (meaning nothing else more to find and sell) I went into this cave just outside Seyda Neen. I went into it and got nearly killed by a Dumner. (We all know who that is) So I reloaded my game and came up with different strategies to try and kill this annoying person who was in my way of finding more treasure and loot so that I could defend myself. (still in Dungeon Siege and TOEE mode at the time) So after the fifth time of reloading my game, I beat her, did a quick save and proceeded forward into the next room. (Did I forget to mention I play with mages so I was playing as one, that is how I got killed the first few times) So to my surprise, I found another Dumner but he was a mage as well. So I was like, yeah I can beat this guy....and found myself reloading my game again and again because he used spells to weaken and damage me before I got a chance to get my own spells on him first. After my 10th time reloading my game, from being killed by him (yeah I am persistent), I finally went gangster on him and hacked him to little pieces! LOL! After that, I was like YES!!! Now I can move on! As I was running down the steps (totally ignored the slave behind the gate) I turned the corner and my screen was flashing red until I saw my character spin around and fell to the ground. I was like WTH?!?!?! I didn't even see anybody! So I had to come up with another strategy to beat her. After dying 20 times times, I beat her the same way I beat the mage, gangster style! :toughninja:
After playing through the game and finally not getting killed so much enough to actually enjoy the game, I looked at the other disks in the box and wondered how would I be able to play them. But to my surprise, I saw this other disk in the box and wondered now what is this for if I already have the game and it's expansions installed already? So I popped it in and just sat and stared at the screen for like about 15 secs before I started clicking here and there to see what this disk was really about. I then came to PES like about around the middle or near end of '07 and started looking around on the forums and site for clues about what this extra disk does and what is it used for. So after I found out that I could create my own mods to play in MW, I was really stoked! This smiley says it all. :shocking: So then I thought about how the console command works (something like Dungeon Siege cheats but different) and was like, maybe I can get to the game files and finally figure out what else this disk has to offer. So after countless hours of clicking away at things, I finally found out how to make a race and my own spells without having to wait to lvl up to the required lvl to be able to use them. So then my mod I did was Elemental Race. It's still on PES as of today. Before I released it to the public, I played through it to see if I liked it or not myself. I actually liked it alot. I thought that this mod was really cool because I finally mastered the spell casting system and was ready to show everyone what I did in the form of a mod.
I uploaded it and the feedback wasn't really pleasant at all. But inside I was like at least I can mod for a game that I like and be able to enjoy it more at the same time. So then, I was so into making different races I couldn't stop thinking about the next thing I wanted to mod to add to MW that I didn't even finish the game! (I know, another epic fail, but hey I was and am still happy) Then after awhile of roam the PES forms I came here from trying to look up this fabled (to me at that time) Official Forums of Bethseda for MW. Then after I got here, I was posting anything I could so that I could get help with modding for what I needed help on. Then I when I went back to PES for a little bit to see what was new, I heard it through the graqevine that you could add your very own models that you make from another program into MW! I was super excited to hear this! But I didn't know how or where you could get all of the tools necessary to be able to. So I started a thread and asked about the necessary programs to get to start adding your own models to MW. So I found the program Milkshape 3D and found a nice little tutorial and sat down for hours trying to learn how to model a axe in Milkshape. So after I was successful in completing this tutorial, I wanted to try some experimenting with the program on my own. Before I even got extensive into modeling with Milkshape, the free trail expired and I was without a program to model in. I heard about Blender like right before I got Milkshape 3D but didn't want to start learning it yet because I already had another 3D Modeling software to work in.
After Milkshape was gone and I uninstalled it, I installed Blender and opened it up. WOW!!!! I was like scared to even try to learn it. I was looking for some of the buttons to start making a mesh and got so lost I had to close it up for the rest of the day. While I was sitting there playing MW and then stopping to play around in the CS for a min for more inspiration, looking at the models Beth had for the game, I was determined then to find a decent tutorial and learn Blender for myself, even it if kills me!

So then I googled a nice beginner's tutorial on a site long forgotten about by most modelers out there. From there, I learned the hotkeys of Blender first. After I was starting to get the hang of using Blender, I started doing my own "tinkering" with meshes. That is how my first official original model of a gemstone came to life! I was so proud of myself that I just couldn't stop there....oh no, I had plans for these little babies! I was determined to get my gems into MW someway shape or form! So I kept practicing modeling until I got a little better with it. At this time, I wanted some color to add to my meshes, so I was playing with the alpha slider in Blender and found out that I could make my gems actually look like a real gem does. Transparent. So after being able to do this in Blender, that is how my journey began in modding for MW and outside of MW to get my own work in-game. *whew! wipes forehead*