Hate is such a strong word...
But I definately want to set Ulfric on fire and Fus Ro Dah him across the room.
Hate is such a strong word...
But I definately want to set Ulfric on fire and Fus Ro Dah him across the room.
Any guard who askes me what I do as a member of the Companions, "Fetch the Mead?" when I'm the Harbinger.
DB has much more respectable lines. "Psstt, I know who you are. Hail Sithis."
"I have many things on my mind, your concerns are not among them."
- Ancano
You know, you could get Fjortra to beat her up
There's always that lil thing with not killing Parthanex that will piss her off, then go and shove that in her face everytime you go the Skyhaven place, I feel like Blades are actually invading on Forsworn territory, just as they have tried to invade every other place on Tamriel, at least it seems that way.
Why Brynjolf? I think Karliah is more annoying than him, she was the one that shot you in the Snow Veil Sanctum in the first place, then acts like she did nothing wrong, it is pretty interesting with some of the things that happen near the end of the main story line of guild quest line in Riften's marketplace.
I just hate the way he calls you "lad/lass" the whole time in lieu of having an actual personality. It's a fairly irrational hatred I grant you. Also: "Can't talk now lad I'm busy" - screw you! I'm your boss!
edit: I don't like Karliah much either mind.
Delphine, no doubt. edit: Followed closely by Astrid.
I don't hate Nazeem at all. He's harmless.
Okay even though I saw this coming, i still lol'd way more than I should have.
I'm even still laughing as i type god damnit why
I'd have to say that Olfina is a pain in the butt with that 'strong nord woman' crap. Fair go, girl, you're bouncing the weediest runt in Whiterun who has a bit too much of the artist about him who spends his days leering at you in the market place, and his nights boozing away in the tavern that you are the floor sweeper in...while on the other hand I live in a house full of warrior maidens who have a higher body count than the Stormcloaks and my daughters spend their time slaughtering manequins with their daggers.
That girl really needs a dose of reality...
The entire silver-blood family, utter hatrid
the guards that always says patronizing things, it's starting to get to me, especially the male guard with scandinavian accent
The Black Briars.
All of them except for the daughter of Maven. She's just sweet, in a creepy way.
Lilith Maiden-Loom. I don't liker her either.
Agreed on all counts. I like Ingun quite a bit actually, she's philosophical. The rest are the kind of people I dislike the most. Especially Hemming, the first thing he does is insult you. I immediately drew my mace and beat him to death in the street, how's that for a "real battle" you condescending s'wit!...only to find out that he's marked essential.
alot of people seem to be hating female NPC's that tells them what to do, it's interesting
Well, there's only one non-aggressive NPC I always kill, and that's Grelod. Sick, sadistic old hag... "I used to be mean to orphans, but then I took a battle-axe to the head."
Ugh, I strongly dislike Hemming Black-Briar and I believe he is the most annoying NPC in the game. That prat makes Nazeem look humble.
In fact, I am glad he is an essential NPC. I always beat him to his knees everytime I enter Riften.