I'd like to say Nazeem, but in reality he's just an altmer in another skin.
My money would have to be on that Vekhel (?) character down in the Ragged Flagon...I'd really like to give him a flogging then kick his butt into the pond slime.
"Never should have come here!"
[Pulls out iron dagger and crouches into sneak position] (Okay, like that's going to fool me...)
Nazeem,Braith,Maven black briar,Tullius,Galmar,Mogrul.
The bully girl and the alchemist Arcadia.
It's either Nazeem or Delphine (I wish the latter wasn't essential so I could put her in her place after she stops being essential to the plot of course).
Olfrid Battle-Born !!
No, I've never heard of you!
Oh, and by the way, your son Jon is sleeping with "the enemy" and your grandson is being bullied by a girl!!
Delphine, hands down. Don't know how to explain it, but she just.. feels so aggravating. Even more so because you can't kill her. I mean, the nerve to enforce herself as my superior and threaten me. Drags me to her place with the little stupid note and tries to boss me around, even though at that point of time I don't even know her. And why did Bethesda make it where you had to bow down to her? Couldn't you just Brawl with her and show her what's what?. I'm the DB after-all. And considering how much you do before it, Guild Master, Arch-Mage, Harbinger, etc. Ugh. I'd rather just run her through with a sword. And she claims to hate the Altmer, yet she's the most non-Altmer like.. Altmer I can think of, besides Nazeem. Vise-Versa of Opposites Attract, whatever you would call that. Alike's Repel? I don't know. But you get the point.
@Eniroth. Delphine isn't an Altmer... Nor is Nazeem...
For me, it's Lydia hands down.
I have more than one.
Both the Grey-Manes and Battle-Borns I can't stand, Elenwen and Ondolemar, Galmar.
No one else comes to mind that I dislike a lot.
Edit: Forgot about the Silver-Bloods almost since I'm pretty much never in Markarth.
*sniff sniff* she called me ugly...but on a serious note my most hated NPC is Ravyn, the dunmer who joins the Thieves Guild after you finish the city influence quests. He just doesn't understand that I'm the Guild Master, and keeps talking to me condescendingly like he's better than me. Damn elf...should have him tied and dropped into Lake Honrich, then we'll see who gets the last laugh
Serena, lydia, Galmar (and any other stomcloak), that apprentice smith in Windhelm, and that stupid imperial torturer you meet under Helgen.
So...you dislike a kid, and your solution is to go beat up her parents on the assumption that she'd respect you if you bloodied her family?
I used to afford Delphine some respect, until she asked me to "take care" of Parthurnax...Lets just say she had a fun time rolling down the TotW, and living...