whats the number one thing you like about skyrim and whats the number one thing you don't like?
i love the perks system
i hate the 9 month wait
What about you guys/girls and anyone in between?
The wait is a good thing!
Just think, every day the game gets better and better.
Love the new engine and the overhaul on a lot of visuals.
Not liking the absence of the class system, it's part of what made TES what it is.
You mean part of what made TES what it *was*

I think it's great the new system they are going for, you are still your own class it just depends on what you do instead of what you choose at the beginning of the game. Only thing you are missing out on is a class title like Assassin or Knight etc, but even that doesn't matter because you will still know that you are an Assassin or a knight and such if those are what you are playing as.
Loving the combat system.
Hating the fast travel.
I've never understood the hating fast travel argument.
If you dislike it (As I do) simply don't use it?
You are never forced to fast travel. Is the problem that you can't control yourself and will use the system even though you know deep down you don't want to?
Anyhow, I like the way design of the dragons.
I dislike the fact that the game will be dumbed down and be half the game it could have been because of the 5 year old consoles it's being developed for.