Basically, I'd like to know how you view his actions.
Military man. As I said in another thread about the factions, I think both sides are heroes in their own ways. Same thing here with General T. Would not join the Empire, or the rebels because of him, but whatever.
He was there at the start of the game, overseeing the executions, he allowed yours to go forward even though your name wasn't on the list, sure the female imperial approved it, but he was within earshot and let it happen. The guy is a fascist. I have more hate for the Thalmor but yeah, that's another issue.
He does his job really well, I guess. Don't really have much of an opinion on him. He starts out dismissive to Nord culture (I generally share the same opinion. "You Nords and your bloody sense of honor.")
but then...
I thought that was pretty nice. Too many things stay the same in the game.
Considering his job is not as a diplomatic advisor to the Nordic people, but as a general in the Civil War that he needs to put a stop to, he does not need to understand them all that much.
My impression of Tullius is as follows:
The Legion's always been here. Without us to keep order, the provinces would fall into barbarism and lawlessness. Especially Skyrim. -Tullius, General of the "Egalitarian Empire".
I highly question his accepted status as best in the Legion, for two reasons. One, it is unclear whether he served as a general during the great war. He was never mentioned in it as a key figure to any event during. Two, after his success against Ulfric, and Ulfric by a mighty stroke of luck managed to escape death, Tullius was unable to repeat his winning streak, being dead locked in land with Ulfric in territory, until the player either sides with Ulfric or Tullius. You mean to tell me the best in the legion can't adapt to fighting a rebel leader whose only military feats are getting captured as a common soldier, and taking a city away from guys using barbed sticks?
And what's funny about that, is it's still more impressive than anything we've heard of from Tullius. What has Tullius done prior to the Stormcloak Rebellions? The Empire's standards of "best" is rather low lately, it seems.
Whereas Ulfric in one move took half a province through politics alone.
I think the "Season Unending" mission, where the Jarl, who would be High Queen, takes a side seat to his negotiating pretty mich proves you wrong. Yes, it concerned military matters, but it was a diplomatic role none the less. I think anyone trying to reclaim a land in a war where people distrust their Empire should indeed be at least a bit in touch with the populace, considering they make up the bulk of his forces.
Problem with using that as evidence is that it had nothing to do with the political landscape of Skyrim at all, and was a temporary truce, not a permanent peace treaty.
"Nothing to do with politics" he says, in a war over who will hold a political position, he says, amongst other things.
This war's very much a political one. Politics play a big role.
The status of temporary truce is also irrelevant. In fact, it's all irrelevant, since political or not, it's still idiotic to have a man so out of touch with a populace be in charge of taking it when half the reason Ulfric is getting support is because of his accusations of the Empire being out of touch with the Nordic people.
Do you see anything to do with the High king position? the most political it gets is which holds get switched around.
Caring about Nords is not always good for military tactics, which is Tulius's job description.
Uh, yea I do. Because it involves the taking of land, which even though the meeting is about dragons, is an obvious move to further advancement in their war. A war that will decide who is the High King or Queen. That's politics, right there. Using another matter entirely to further your goals.
You only get one chance to make a first impression. It told my character everything she needed to know about General Tullius when he did not stop the execution of a tiny wood elf dressed in rags who was clearly not part of the elf-hating blue coat faction. As far as my elf is concerned, the only hero that day was the beautiful dragon who swooped in and saved her life.
WHERE do you see where it talks about who will be high king? The treaty has absolutely nothing to do with the war anyways.
It is when they're the ones that decide who wins.
Once the Civil War is over, Tulius is not important. He was sent almost exclusively to crush a rebellion, not to play nice with the Nords, and not to diplomatically talk to Ulfric about it.
In the end, Tulius is a military man, who was sent to deal with the rebellion in a military way. If he was sent to diplomatically solve it, he would not be in the Legion as a general, but in the Empire's diplomatic corps.
Except after the civil war doesn't matter, because we're talking about a period during the civil war, and during the civil war, how the people see the leaders is important to both sides, because both sides are fighting for support to strengthen their numbers and advantage.
Put it this way. Tullius is lucky that a tape recorder in TES doesn't exist, because what he says wouldn't be good for his recruitment efforts, which he so desperately needs to go well since he's not receiving reinforcements from the Empire.
Who cares what he think about the Nords? Only the people who hate him because he is doing his job, which does not involved caring about the people.
I could be in the American Army and hate my leader, but still stick to the military because I have a reason other than the military leader. People will side with the Empire for reasons other than the general, and people will side with the Stormcloaks for reasons other than Ulfric.
If you want to, think of it this way: Rikke is the real general, Tulius is more of the Military advisor.
I'm pretty sure that if the Imperial supporting Nords knew that their General saw them as babies needing a sitter, they wouldn't be very inclinded to keep supporting them. Not saying it'd mean their ultimate loss, but it would have a negative effect, and with the Empire already looking as bad as it does, they don't need anymore bad PR.
If so many people side against Ulfric for them thinking he's racist, despite evidence given, yet Tullius says it pure as day... see where I'm going? I agree that it shouldn't be important, because the war itself is bigger than that, but unfortunately with all the SJWs running around, it's a big point to the civil war discussion.
And if Ulfric or Tullius came out with sixty degree salutes and reciting Mein Kampf, it would be very bad for their recruiting efforts. That does matter.
OR, as I said, Rikke is the general, and Tulius is more of an honorary leader, and means nothing. You deal with Rikke 99% of the time in the Civil War, whereas you only report successful mission to the "general" Tulius until the final battle in the Empire side of the war.
To absolutely nobody in Skyrim at all. Rikke is clearly behind a great deal of his military decisions and tactics, but Tullius is the head figure as General. Rikke is simply his assistant. You may as well say Galmar is the face of the Stormcloaks.
Again, you deal with Rikke almost all the time in the Civil War. Tulius is just there, really.