After reading a lot about the settlements I'm quite excited and I have already begun making plans for layout and purpose.
My goal will be to try to build an old style fortress with towers and turrets, add some back up generators.
The settlements main attraction will be a bar/hotel with bar and casino on the bottom floor and hotel/brothel on the upper floor if possible. Of course I will need to have a huge mutant as a door man to keep potential missbehaviours at bay!
The main complex will be flanked by trading stalls and caravan stops and housing for my followers. On the opposite side of the road there will by my player characters home. I'll try to make that a fortified house. If possible I will have a basemant and another story above ground floor. On the roof terrace I will also put generators for my house.
This is of course my plans, they might have to change due to restrictions in the game!
Now, what is your plans?