Hi guys,
just curious: on which system are you going to play Fallout 4?
Hi guys,
just curious: on which system are you going to play Fallout 4?
PC. I own an Xbox One too, and my PC is nowhere near powerful enough to run Fallout 4 maxed out, in fact it barely scraqes minimum, but I will always buy a game on PC over a console if the option is there. The Xbox One is purely for Halo and Forza, and that's only because I managed to practically steal it from a colleague (£150).
PC, recently upgraded to a GTX 970 and 16Gb RAM, looking forwards to both playing and visiting Nexus each day
it will be pc this time around since i have a Pc that can run it
I vote PC. I prefer keyboard + mouse, it much easier for me especially in first person mode.
That's exactly the reason why I have gaming console (in my case it's PS4, but principle is the same).
I've played all Fallouts (since the first in 1997) on PC, and Fallout 4 will be my first Fallout console experience.
I know that Bethesda is lot closer to Microsoft, but the've promised that there will be no platform-exclusive content.
I've heard that from lot of people. But point is - PS3 and X360 were two absolutely different architectures and while X360 has 512 MB RAM, PS3 has only 256 MB (and another 256 is dedicated for GPU).
Optimizations for PS3 were very, very difficult due to lack of RAM and exotic architecture.
This console generation is build around almost the same x86 solution from AMD (XOne has very, very slightly more powerfull CPU, PS4 has cca 30% better GPU in terms of raw power and faster RAM modules).
So even if main platform is most likely still XOne, everything that you can run on XOne you should be able to run on PS4.
But that's nothing against Xbox One, I've chosen PS4 because I have 12 people around me with PS4 and no one with XOne.
(Yes, I'm from Europe where Sony has about 80% share, I know that's different in US.)
I'll be enjoying it on the XBOX One. I don't own a PS4 yet, but if I did, I would still choose it for the XBOX One. Getting Fallout 3 free with it is very nice! My PC wouldn't be able to handle it, but I prefer gaming on the big screen with a controller in hand while sitting on the comfy couch. There are few games that I prefer to play on PC, but that might change when we upgrade our PC and possible just connect it to the TV.
PC, i play most of my game there since i have more control about graphics that i get on Console. Plus im a fan of Keyboard and mouse combo.
In my case, its more convenient.
I'm working in game studio (but it has absolutely nothing to do with Bethesda ) and I'm sitting in front of a computer 8-10 hours a day. Huge part is testing (which basically means playing part of the game over and over again) and I don't want to do same thing in my free time.
BTW: new Launch Trailer has just been released, check Bethesda Softworks Youtube channel
With a X360 controller. With a Sony headphone. So, everybody is happy with me, yay.
Well I don't have this expensive computer technology just to use Word or the internet.
Wow, Xbox One and Ps4 are equal right now? Didn't expect that.
I'm playing on PC, maybe with a 360 Controller. Depends whether I'm playing a sniper kind of guy or not.