I enter the Super-Duper Mart Moira sends you to. I creep through, sticking to the left wall until I come to a hallway. I stick to wall again creeping up behind an open door. I see a shadow behind the door and get my 10mm ready. A raider turns around the door and before she sees me, I enter V.A.T.S and blow her head off in one shot -
AWESOME SNEAK SURPRISE KILLI continue on and try to pop raiders off in the distance but fail and alert about 3 of them. I back up down the hallway and basically get slaughtered but somehow kill them off wasting many bullets in the chaos.
MESSY, UNPROFESSIONAL KILLSAfter I clean up and stimpak up, I continue behind a counter into a pharmacy. I loot the whole room and notice the Protectron inside of a chamber with a computer next to it. On top I see an employee ID on top and grab it, not knowing its purpose, but still grabbing it. I hack the computer and release the Protectron from its chamber. It continues to go through the door I came in behind the counter. It notices another raider and declares a security breach. The raider.......
runs behind the counter and starts to wack it with a pool cue....... The Protectron destroys her but stays behind the counter. It asks me for my employee ID (AHHHHHHHHH..... i get it) and I hand it over.
ROBO KILLI continue without my robo-buddy and head down a hallway into another space behind another counter. A raider comes out of nowhere and is shooting me point blank. I kill her quickly and loot the ammo boxes and other stuff behind that counter.
ANOTHER MESSY UNPROFESSIONAL KILL Before I leave that area, I see another raider patrolling the shelves about 20 yards away again. Ducked behind the counter I decide to lob a grenade at him. Now I didn't expect an actual hit but more maybe it would land near or under him, knocking him off his post. The V.A.T.S said 20% hit, so I held my breath, and lobbed it. The grenade clipped the ceiling (awesome
) and landed literally under hit feet and not only blew him sky high to hit the ceiling himself (awesome
), but also blew most of his body parts off (awesome
AWESOME COMMANDO KILLApparantly this alerted the Protectron and he started to head in that direction (awesome
). I put my crosshairs on him and noticed he had less than hlaf health and wondered if the pool cue really did that much damage. I as well crept out into the middle of the store, following the Protectron. I notice a raider down the aisle the Protectron is heading and she has less than full health. At that point I figured the grenade hurt her a little too(awesome
). The Protectron starts walking down the aisle and the raider rebutals with a rifle shot or two, at the same time the Protectron started firing plasma rays. The raider kills the Protectron and I shoot her to finish the job.