Perhaps scripted, but I had a laugh out of telling the one NPC to go and try and reason with that nutcase that just spat out one liners ("Your mother and my mother hung up laundry around the mulberry bush" or something like that). Of course I reloaded a save after trying it, but I thought it was funny none-the-less, despite the NPC knowing the hazards.
Sweet revenge when I one shot VATS a certain colonel lacky's head off with a combat shotgun and watched his headless body limply fall off the catwalk in slow mo.
Favorite one I've done is perhaps was at a certain Raiders "foundry". Sneaking through and seeing the cage, I lob a grenade at the generator to unleash the Super Mutant Behemoth on the Raiders. After the mutant was finished taking care of business, slaughtering all the Raiders outside, for some reason he ran back into the cage and just stood there with his back to the gate. So I snuck up to the gate and had a load of frag mines to use up (I needed to lighten up my encumbrance anyway). The Raiders had already taken down the Mutant Behemoth down by half, so I put down a pile of 20 frag mines, hoping that was enough. So once the pile was down I moved back to a safe distance still hiding, and take out my .44 (wanting to make sure those mines go off when they're suppose to. I've had some that were delayed) and then take one shot first to alert the Behemoth to where I was. Then of course I had the scope aim ready at the pile of frag mines and shot one of them just as the mutant ran by the pile. I was happy to find out that 20 frag mines were just enough to finish him off. KA-BOOOMB

I didn't have a Fatman with me.
Taking down several Enclave helicopters with a mini gun is kinda fun.
Sneaking through Paradise falls and picking the heads off of the slavers with Lincoln's Repeater.
Edit: BTW, anyone know why you lose karma for "exploding the pants" off of a Mirelurk King?