What is your S.P.E.C.I.A.L in real life?

Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:25 pm

You guys really should have set down some guidelines for this ahead of time, like "only use the in-game number of starting points" or "each point or two above/below 5 is one standard deviation away from average". Maybe "everything starts at 5, and to raise one trait you have to lower another". Would have made things a lot more comparable and probably more representative. I doubt that anyone posting here has a 1 or a 10 in anything.

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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:54 pm

ITT people lying about themselves
And now it's my turn :P

S-3 not the strongest fellow around
P-7 I'm pretty damn aware especially when I bird watch
E-5 I have good stamina but I tend to get sick
C-8 captain of the debate team back in high school and one of the better members of my collegiate team
A-7 I hike and backpack a lot so I've gotten good at nimble footing.
L-2 pretty hit or miss
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Chris Jones
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:34 am

Why not? ^_^

S = 2 not real strong but can hit things with a bat

P = 4 wear glasses - can't see without them

E = 4 walk an average of 3+ miles per day

C = 5 everyone usually likes me

I = 5 average intelligence

A = 3 not the most agile person

L = 5 fairly fortunate for the most part

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Rude Gurl
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:07 am

S - 3 (have potential but I'm lazy and should go to the gym
P - 9 (I'm a CSI, that's got to be high)
E - 4 (pretty average)
C - 4 (marmite kind of guy)
I - 7 (smarter than the average bear being a detective and all but absent minded)
A - 3 (nuff said)
L- 10 (I have not been stabbed or shot yet)
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:13 pm

S =7 strong as an ox

P =10 exceptional hearing if it was really quiet i could probably hear other peoples hearbeat's if i payed close attention.

E =7 ive broken bones before to me its more annoying than painful also i can count the times ive been sick with something that isnt the common cold on one hand with room to spare

C =1 fat ugly slow to trust people and very blunt conversationally and antisocial

I =4 about as smart as a particularly gifted ox with a large vocabulary

A =1 how do you think broke those bones? its a miracle i don't trip while standing.

L =1 i dont recall ever having that attribute but SPECIA is a weird looking acronym so lets go with 1

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Greg Swan
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:10 am

S = 4 (Despite my small size I'm fairly muscular naturally and can fight fairly well, could be far stronger if I exercised.)

P = 7 (I wouldn't say I'm the most perceptive person in the world, but I have near-perfect hearing and vision and I can notice things around me that surprise other people when pointed out.)

E = 4 (Decent stamina, can run, fair pain tolerance, prone to getting sick fairly often though.)

C = 7 (I'm a good speaker and can influence people to be positively predisposed towards me in most situations, if I want to.)

I = 5 (People often mention how 'intelligent' I am, but I find myself confused with seemingly basic things some of the time. Maybe it's the charisma that tricks them into thinking I'm smart. :wink_smile: )

A = 4 (Can do some agile stuff that others can't, can't do a lot that others can.)

L = 6 (I have fairly good luck, not in a circumstantial sense, but in the events that occur throughout the day.)

Must've over-estimated myself..

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Georgia Fullalove
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:00 am

Very high strength and endurance, average intelligence and charisma, garbage luck, agility and perception.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:37 pm

S 1

P 1

E 1

C 1

I 1

A 1

L 1

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:17 pm

As mentioned, it is hard to quantify ones self to a simplified stat system. Still, I love these kinds of things so here goes:

S - 3 (I am large framed that seems to help with picking up and moving large things. Given motivation and need, that would go up rather quickly.)

P - 5 (While I am myopic and need glasses for that, I can smell very clearly. It has dimmed with age but I used to be able to tell people by their scent. I am also a trained observer so I can pick out details despite my limitations.)

E - 3 (Kind of a slow, plodding endurance and not the frenetic pace endurance. Again, this can be improved rather quickly should the need for physical prowess become a priority.)

C - 5 (Not a social butterfly but I have been told that I can dominate a room with my presence. I have been told that I inspire discomfort to outright fear in others. I don't see it but knowing that, I use it to my advantage.)

I - 7 (I consider myself fairly quick witted and able to solve almost any problem. I svck at math but excel at logic. Don't know how that makes sense but there you go.)

A - 4 (I am not particularly flexible but I do have quick reflexes. Many small, wiry people have underestimated how fast I can be. I have been sedentary of late, so I think I could be better given time to develop again.)

L - 1 ( Staying within the general range for SPECIAL stats, my Luck is as far down as it can go. My unofficial family motto is, "If it weren't for bad luck, we wouldn't have any luck at all.")

I built those values based on a 28-point starting character. Trying to keep some sort of standard that is topical to Fallout. Reading the speed of advancement for leveling up, I could see the Strength, Endurance and Agility going up from there pretty quickly. I see my own, realistic caps, being about 7 for most abilities. Luck is going to stay at 1 no matter what I do. I think I must have done something terrible in a former life or something. Either that or the Universe is as capricious as a house cat with a mouse in paw.

(Coincidentally, that is a pretty good array for a balanced character start. Switch the numbers around between SPECIAL stats to give a character a decent focus stat, some pretty good supporting stats, and still have some low to weak stats. I think that array is going to be my standard point spread for a few characters.)

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:33 am

S - 1 I exercise with toothpicks and marshmellows

P - 1 I wear the thickest glasses known to mankind
E - 1 If someone taps my shoulder, I bruise
C - 1 My face has three nostrils, and one eyebrow

I - 1 I couldn't even read were it not for the hamster running on the wheel in my brain

A - 1 Whenever I run on Velcro with my cotton slippers, I always seem to land face first...

L - 1 I ended up very well in all other aspects of my life...

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Charlotte X
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:23 pm

Yeah, my 1s were 2s until I realized I was really close to the 28 starting limit, so I decided to tweak it a bit. Still probably way off of what an objective special would be, but oh well.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:43 am








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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:03 am

Yeah but the extra 21 points is just starting stats, you can boost them in game so I'd figure depending on your age you get more(or less) rl special :P

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Heather M
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:14 pm

S 4

P 6

E 4

C 4

I 6

A 4

L 4

Rough Estimate

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meghan lock
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:23 am

I'll probably get grief for this, but here goes! :D

S - 7 (I can take care of myself when I have to)

P - 9 (sensory awareness. nuff said!)

E - 9 (I could probably live in space)

C - 7 (I get on well with most people)

I - 9 (I learn most things very fast)

A - 7 (I'm 43 and I can climb trees)

L - 7 (I attract a lot of coincidences)

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Kelsey Anna Farley
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:17 pm

S 5

P 7

E 9

C 3

I 6

A -2

L -10

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Holli Dillon
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:47 pm

S = 3

P = 6

E = 6

C = 2

I = 7

A = 5

L = 4

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City Swagga
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:45 pm

heh, good point

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Britney Lopez
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:20 am

Meh. Everything is subjective when comparing one's self to an arbitrary and artificial stat system. If that is where you feel you belong in the stat categories, then who am I to say differently. This is mostly for fun.

I just chose starting character stats over idealized character stats. Your's look more like a finished product build. I wouldn't worry about it.

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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:05 pm

Taking Fallout 3's standards

S: 5 - I do a lot of physical exercise, i guess you could call it working out, but i still have a pretty small body frame
P: 4 - I think i kind of need glasses
E: 4
C: 7 - I'm kind of quiet at first, but when i get comfortable i don't fail to get noticed
I: 8 - I'm breddy smart
A: 7 - I'm really flexible, not gymnast-tier but compared to my peers i'm pretty damn agile and i can run breddy fast
L: 5 - Just your average Joe

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Arnold Wet
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:25 am

By Fallout standards basically most people in the Fallout world have little to no education except the school of life, yet have to survive in a hostile world. So making a direct comparison is impossible, but:

S - 4. I can lift fairly heavy loads and throw a decent punch, but I have virtually no muscle definition whatsoever. I'm probably a weakling by Fallout standard because they have to overcome more physical challenges. Then again, malnutrition probably affects a good number of wastelanders, so I have no issues there. Herein lies the problem.

P - 2. I tend to daydream a lot. You could literally have a group of Raiders sneaking up on me for a good five seconds before I tweak anything's amiss.

E - 3. Please, don't hit me again!

C - 4. Some people like me, some people don't. I tend to just be myself. If I'm well rested and in the right mood, I can charm someone, but I can't keep up the charade very long.

I - 6. I'm more intelligent than the average person both on IQ tests and in terms of general intelligence.

A - 2. Can't even balance on 3" wide plank of wood.

L - 7. In spite of all of the above, things haven't gone too badly for me!

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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:56 pm

Nice topic.

S 4 (Not weak but i'm only small)

P 4 ( Eyesight has worsened somewhat in the last 4 years)

E 3 (My asthma prevents me from doing any prolonged amount of exercise)

C 3 (Would be 6 with the few people who i am close to)

I 6 (Academically i have always done quite poorly, but in subjects that interest me i am quite knowledgeable)

A 5 ( My job requires that i be fairly nimble)

L 4 ( There are a few things in my life that i can consider myself lucky to have)

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:47 pm

Well, this was a hit to my self esteem xD

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Guy Pearce
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:05 am

Dont worry, no one exaggerates or lies on the internet. I mean Im totally a

S 10

P 10

E 10

C 10

I 10

A 10

L 10

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El Khatiri
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:34 am

S: 7-8

P: 7-8

E: 2-3

C: 2-3

I: 6-7

A: 5

L: 1

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