As mentioned, it is hard to quantify ones self to a simplified stat system. Still, I love these kinds of things so here goes:
S - 3 (I am large framed that seems to help with picking up and moving large things. Given motivation and need, that would go up rather quickly.)
P - 5 (While I am myopic and need glasses for that, I can smell very clearly. It has dimmed with age but I used to be able to tell people by their scent. I am also a trained observer so I can pick out details despite my limitations.)
E - 3 (Kind of a slow, plodding endurance and not the frenetic pace endurance. Again, this can be improved rather quickly should the need for physical prowess become a priority.)
C - 5 (Not a social butterfly but I have been told that I can dominate a room with my presence. I have been told that I inspire discomfort to outright fear in others. I don't see it but knowing that, I use it to my advantage.)
I - 7 (I consider myself fairly quick witted and able to solve almost any problem. I svck at math but excel at logic. Don't know how that makes sense but there you go.)
A - 4 (I am not particularly flexible but I do have quick reflexes. Many small, wiry people have underestimated how fast I can be. I have been sedentary of late, so I think I could be better given time to develop again.)
L - 1 ( Staying within the general range for SPECIAL stats, my Luck is as far down as it can go. My unofficial family motto is, "If it weren't for bad luck, we wouldn't have any luck at all.")
I built those values based on a 28-point starting character. Trying to keep some sort of standard that is topical to Fallout. Reading the speed of advancement for leveling up, I could see the Strength, Endurance and Agility going up from there pretty quickly. I see my own, realistic caps, being about 7 for most abilities. Luck is going to stay at 1 no matter what I do. I think I must have done something terrible in a former life or something. Either that or the Universe is as capricious as a house cat with a mouse in paw.
(Coincidentally, that is a pretty good array for a balanced character start. Switch the numbers around between SPECIAL stats to give a character a decent focus stat, some pretty good supporting stats, and still have some low to weak stats. I think that array is going to be my standard point spread for a few characters.)