Dam got to up my stats
Dam got to up my stats
I would have been more interesting to see what people's stats are if they could only use the 28 points we get in game.
Thats what I was thinking, like what weighs heavily moreso. For myself I would up my strength and itel but drop the rest of them
That's how I did mine. I figure I could always use my Perk each level to improve them a bit.
Sometimes we can find ways of improving our real-world stats, and more often than not it's tied to the way we think. Took me a while to get some of them that high, but it's always worth investing time in bettering yourself. For anyone with kids, this makes even more of a difference, because there's nothing like inspiring your children to value themselves and look after their health. And everyone without exception should recognise themselves as being SPECIAL
Just wondering, what is supposed to be an average score in a special stat?
Yeah, I was trying to organize the SPECIAL on Fallout 4's 28 point system, but really all I can say are the relative differences. Like, I'm that much more resilient than I am strong or lucky, etc.
Imagining that 4 is the theoretical average and 10 is the best a human can be..
S : 4
P : 7 (maybe even 8)
E : 4
C : 4 (but I can range from 3 to 5)
I : 7 (difficult to gauge - but likely not higher than 8)
A : 5 (maaaaaybe leaning towards 6?)
L : 5
S- 5. Average advlt male.
P- 3. I have one weak eye, gives me poor depth perception.
E- 5. I can run for a bit.
C- 4. Depends on the audience, really.
I- 7. I don't think that many idiots consider themselves idiots, so I hope I'm actually above average and not just deluding myself.
A- 4. I'm kind of clumsy.
L- 6. Bad things have happened to me, but I think the good slightly outweighs the bad. I drive a BMW in the richest nation in the world, which is better than I probably deserve. Above average.
Relative difference would be the system I would vote for, if we were voting anyway.
Strength 3
Perception 8
Endurance 4
Charisma 7
Intelligence 9
Agility 5
Luck 9
S: 4 - I'm not a young guy any more but I keep fit.
P: 7 - I have what we called "situational awareness" in the Air Force.
E: 7 - I can bike 50 miles easily and I've done 100.
C: 6 - I'm well spoken and fairly witty. I was well respected as an officer in the USAF.
I: 8 - I have an engineering degree and used to work in IT.
A: 6 - Assuming hand-eye coordination counts, since I'm a professional pilot.
L: 5 - I'm a magnet for weird [censored] but usually nothing really bad, just annoying.
fives across the board except for perception which is a 1 and luck which is a 10
S-1 (im so weak i can barely open a bag of chips)
P-1 (i need to wear glasses to be able to see)
E-1 (I cant take a hit and i could barely run 5 feet before getting tired)
C-1 (i dont have a single friend and am too shy to talk to anyone)
I-5 (im about average intelligence and im kind of a nerd)
A-1 (im not very agile because i can barely run at all)
L-1 (if i had any luck i wouldnt be a 1 in everything but intelligence)
i would definatly not survive in fallout at all.
S = 6 I do High Intensity workouts 3-4 days a week, but I'm no tank.
P = 7 Fairly perceptive since I'm an observer by nature.
E = 4 My cardio needs a lot of love. Like a lot! Damn you video games!!!
C = 7 I know how to be a charmer, but I'm very picky about the company I keep.
I = 8 I know a lot of creative and technical things and am a deep philosophical thinker.
A = 6 Used to do martial arts, wish I was still that flexible now.
L = 7 Things tend to work out in my favor. It's all a matter of perspective.