It's something that i have been thinking about recently, what is my S.P.E.C.I.A.L in real life?
Personally i think mine would be something like this:
S= 4
P= 2
E= 3
C= 1
I= 3
A= 2
L= 4
Im very interested in what yours would be, let me know
It's something that i have been thinking about recently, what is my S.P.E.C.I.A.L in real life?
Personally i think mine would be something like this:
S= 4
P= 2
E= 3
C= 1
I= 3
A= 2
L= 4
Im very interested in what yours would be, let me know
S 5 true blue collar my entire life with a few years weight training
P 5 has gotten better with age
E 3 has gotten worse with age
C 5 50/50 depends on if you like my humor
I 6 might be higher...tested higher when I was young
A 4 was an (8) when I was in my 20s
L 1 self explanatory
Well assuming FO4's average SPECIAL score is 4, I guess:
S - 8 (yeah I work out)
P - 8 (annoyingly perceptive)
E - 8 (I never get sick)
C - 3 (I had a friend once)
I - 7 (Was higher, then I started playing games)
A - 4 (Walking and chewing gum, no problem)
L - 1 (I work hard for everything so I can't say I have any luck, other than bad)
Forgot Agility. You were right about Perception it seems.
S - 2 (i will still fight you...)
P - 8 (a few people have actually been really freaked out by how observant and aware i am. everyone else just finds it annoying)
E - 3 (i can run... kind of...)
C - 5 (i like to pretend i'm a people person... but i i'm not really much of one in practice)
I - 7 (i probably think i am more intelligent than i actually am)
A - 6 (i have pretty good reflexes... and i can touch my toes... so...)
L - 1 (i've never really been very lucky. i've never been unlucky either, though...)
One of the worst tasks ever, describing yourself, lol. Well, here goes:
S - 5 - I'm lean and work out daily, so more wiry than bulky, but feel strong for sure.
P - 8 - James Bond perceptive. Don't wear glasses, have perfect hearing.
E - 5 - I'm more of a sprinter than long distance runner, but I run 7 minute miles and have good health. Hike a lot too.
C - 6 - I seem to make good first impression and have a large social circle and very good friends. Not much of a public speaker, though.
I - 6 - My engineering job has made me dumber, I used to feel a lot sharper =/. I have more of an intuitive intelligence and I don't like studying. Good with logic and IQ tests.
A - 7 - Getting older now, but still doing athletic stuff without problems. I'm a top fencer and do the balance on one leg with your eyes closed without problems.
L - 6 - Things seem to come out in my favor for the most part. I don't particularly believe in luck, so I think I'm just good at setting myself up so things go my way.
Damn, either I totally overestimate myself, or I'd rock Fallout! lol
S - 2 (skinny af)
P - 7 (perhaps not the most perceptive in the senses, but I'm one of those people who loves to observe and people-watch)
E - 5 (play a lot of football so I'm very running fit, but as I said I'm pretty skinny so my body couldn't take a lot of harm)
C - 8 (I'm good at developing a rapport with pretty much anyone. Good at adapting to social situations)
I - 7
A - 2 (god, so inflexible)
L - 3 (incredibly lucky to live in Australia, but in general I'm pretty clumsy and unlucky at times )
S:2 (meh)
P:3 ( i use eye glasses and i have double vision)
E: 2-3 (i can jog but i rather avoid doing it)
C: 6-7 ( i can keep up a conversation and get along with people)
I: 4-5 (on a good day) 2-3 (mondays)
A: 1 (i have horrible balance)
L: 1 (If i would win a lottery, the ticket would burst in fire).
S1 - I'm a little guy.
P3 - Got a lazy eye, and am red-green colorblind. And just not very observant.
E7 - One bonus of having a fast metabolism and small size is I've got staying power. Plus I live in the desert.
C6 - I act and I sing, and I'm either funny or everyone else likes me enough not to hurt my feelings.
I5 - I know things, and I know when I don't and need to shut up or ask questions.
A3 - I'm a klutz, but I get around.
L3 - Well, let's say I have the Jinxed trait on top of this.
S: 1 - lanky
P: 8 - intuition
E: 3 - kinda lazy
C: 1 - strangers are evil
I: 6 - nerd
A: 1 - yoga is torture
L: 8 - win at casinos
Might actually use this as a character... thanks for the idea
S 1 : I'm a weakling seriously I can't open a bag of potato chips without help.
P 5: I'm decently observant though.
E 2: Not in the best of shape.
C 6: People find me charming and pleasant to be around. Though considering the company I'm in that might not mean much.
I 6: I like coding, and currently going for a degree in computer science.
A 3: Not the most acrobatic person around.
L 5: I've had it better than most I'll say that much.
Using Fallout 1-3 scale:
S 4 - I'm not terribly muscular, I don't work out, but I have a fairly large frame. If I did work out, I'd be really strong.
P 8 - I'm very observant and perceptive. I can notice faint smells, sounds, and tastes much better than most people I know. Perfect vision.
E 4 - I almost never get sick (no more than once a year, usually less), but I can't run or do physical activity for very long.
C 6 - I'm generally friendly with others and well-liked, but I can be a bit of a shy wall-flower sometimes.
I 7 - I get straight A's in college and graduated in the top 4 percentile of my class in HS, got almost a perfect score on Math SATs (31). I like to think I'm pretty creative and artistic too.
A 6 - My reflexes are pretty good. Only slightly above average though.
L 5 - I have equal amounts good and bad luck, though it depends. RNGs hate me, but I have good luck with dice.
S = 10
P = 100
E = 10+
C = 10
I = 11
A = 10
L = 10x-1
Plus I am idolized all over the world ;D
S = 4 - If 1 if is some teenie bopper girl, and 10 is a pro body-builder, 4 is fair.
P = 3 - I'm awful at noticing things; downright god awful. Despite having vision that isn't 20/20, I can still see things from a much further distance than most long as I'm looking for it.
E = 6 - I actually have quite a bit of stamina.
C = 4 - I can hold my own in sparking up a conversation, but I usually try to let others do the talking. That said, I'm great at public speaking.
I = 8 - Smarter than most, but if 10 represents the scientists of the world, I feel this is about fair.
A = 1 - I'm not all that fast, definitely not flexible, and I'm very clumsy naturally.
L = 9 - I'm awesome with luck. Tests, girlfriends, jobs, general day to day stuff. I haven't won the lottery, but then again I don't play it.
- EDIT -
Actually, I played by Fallout's rules and reassigned points assuming we have 28 to spend and must have at least 1 in an attribute.
S: 4 - I don't work out, but I can still lift heavy stuff if I need to.
P: 4 - I'm blind in one eye, but the other has perfect vision. I have to wear glasses to even it out. (Guess that'd give me 5 Perception with the Four Eyes perk from New Vegas, lol)
E: 2 - I'm really lazy and not very active.
C: 4 - I have a handsome face but an ugly body (See Endurance). Feel that evens out to a mediocre score.
I: 6 - I did very well in school, but I lack street smarts.
A: 6 - I'm very fast, but can't run for too long. (See Endurance)
L: 8 - Good things always seem to come my way.
I'm not very S.P.E.C.I.A.L.. I wouldn't last long in the Fallout world, unless I always got really lucky.
Jack of all trades babyyyyyy.