What is your S.P.E.C.I.A.L in real life?

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:25 am

It's something that i have been thinking about recently, what is my S.P.E.C.I.A.L in real life?

Personally i think mine would be something like this:

S= 4

P= 2

E= 3

C= 1

I= 3

A= 2

L= 4

Im very interested in what yours would be, let me know :D

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Anna Watts
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:38 pm

S 5 true blue collar my entire life with a few years weight training

P 5 has gotten better with age

E 3 has gotten worse with age

C 5 50/50 depends on if you like my humor

I 6 might be higher...tested higher when I was young

A 4 was an (8) when I was in my 20s

L 1 self explanatory

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Jah Allen
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:53 am

Well assuming FO4's average SPECIAL score is 4, I guess:

S - 8 (yeah I work out)

P - 8 (annoyingly perceptive)

E - 8 (I never get sick)

C - 3 (I had a friend once)

I - 7 (Was higher, then I started playing games)

A - 4 (Walking and chewing gum, no problem)

L - 1 (I work hard for everything so I can't say I have any luck, other than bad)

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:17 pm

s 2

p 4

e 4

c 2

i 8

a 8

l 2

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Kortniie Dumont
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:11 am

Strength: 6 (I go to the gym, but I'm not the most buff guy there)

Perception: 3 (I need contacts, I have visual spatial issues, etc.)

Endurance: 6 (I do kendo. You need decent endurance for that.)

Charisma: 6 (I was the senior speaker for my highschool class, did a bunch of student government stuff, but in truth I'm a bit reclusive)

Intelligence: 7 (I go to an engineering school, I have experience with computer science and software engineering, I specialize in database)

Agility: 3 (My agility has gotten better since doing martial arts, but I have been known to randomly lose balance...standing still.)

Luck: 7 (For some bizarre reason, the big things just tend to go my way, even when they shouldn't.)
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:35 am

Forgot Agility. You were right about Perception it seems. :D

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candice keenan
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:08 pm

Already caught it. I took a stat hit because I only have three hours of sleep. :P
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:10 pm

S - 2 (i will still fight you...)

P - 8 (a few people have actually been really freaked out by how observant and aware i am. everyone else just finds it annoying)

E - 3 (i can run... kind of...)

C - 5 (i like to pretend i'm a people person... but i i'm not really much of one in practice)

I - 7 (i probably think i am more intelligent than i actually am)

A - 6 (i have pretty good reflexes... and i can touch my toes... so...)

L - 1 (i've never really been very lucky. i've never been unlucky either, though...)

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brenden casey
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:44 am

One of the worst tasks ever, describing yourself, lol. Well, here goes:

S - 5 - I'm lean and work out daily, so more wiry than bulky, but feel strong for sure.
P - 8 - James Bond perceptive. Don't wear glasses, have perfect hearing.
E - 5 - I'm more of a sprinter than long distance runner, but I run 7 minute miles and have good health. Hike a lot too.
C - 6 - I seem to make good first impression and have a large social circle and very good friends. Not much of a public speaker, though.
I - 6 - My engineering job has made me dumber, I used to feel a lot sharper =/. I have more of an intuitive intelligence and I don't like studying. Good with logic and IQ tests.

A - 7 - Getting older now, but still doing athletic stuff without problems. I'm a top fencer and do the balance on one leg with your eyes closed without problems.

L - 6 - Things seem to come out in my favor for the most part. I don't particularly believe in luck, so I think I'm just good at setting myself up so things go my way.

Damn, either I totally overestimate myself, or I'd rock Fallout! lol

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:08 am


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Maya Maya
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:28 am

There was one of these around Fallout 3 times.
Let's see...
Strength: 3. Not a muscular guy, need help with furniture.
Perception: 4. Need glasses, but not too thick ones, and i could survive without them.
Endurance: 7. I'm never sick, and when need be i can keep going like an energizer bunny :tongue:
Charisma: 5. Not especially ugly, not especially handsome. Not especially good at talking :shrug:
Intelligence. 7. Yeah, i'm pretty smart :hehe:
Agility. 6. I can stretch into some narrow spaces :lmao:
Luck 7. Everything always seems to go my way :happy:
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Liv Staff
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:51 am

S 3

P 4

E 3

C 4

I 4

A 3

L 2

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Danny Warner
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:27 pm

Hard to discuss myself, really. Gonna have some big guesses.

Strength: 4 - Inherently average, I guess. I never work out, but I'm pretty strong to say I don't. Not bad, but below average.
Perception: 8 - My eyesight is bad and I use glasses, but I'm incredibly perceptive. Annoyingly so. I see too much. Not sure if I'm being too generous here, as I'm no Sherlock, but it's definitely my strongest. Oddly, I tend to not notice the big things and only the small things.
Endurance: 4 - I can walk miles easily and hardly ever get ill, but my running is so pathetic. Used to be good, but now I can't reach the end of the street without feeling sick.
Charisma: 3 - I can have big discussions with good friends and am not incredibly shy, but I can't do small talk and can't understand why people are how they are and do what they do a lot. I tend to make people avoid me and feel uncomfortable around me. Maybe I'm a 2?
Intelligence: 5 - Everyone likes to think they're intelligent, don't they? I'm certainly not academically intelligent anymore, but I'm great with logic and quick thinking which fits into this. Intelligence is too hard to say with too many factors to take into account.
Agility: 7 - I'd say my second best. My reflexes are great and I'm great at balancing and carrying many things with little effort. Reflexes are probably due to my perception. I'm not athletic or anything though.
Luck: 4 - Don't have much to say about this. Generally, I'm unlucky, because just as things start going my way everything always falls apart again. But I've had a great upbringing so overall it's not that bad.
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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:11 am

S - 2 (skinny af)

P - 7 (perhaps not the most perceptive in the senses, but I'm one of those people who loves to observe and people-watch)

E - 5 (play a lot of football so I'm very running fit, but as I said I'm pretty skinny so my body couldn't take a lot of harm)

C - 8 (I'm good at developing a rapport with pretty much anyone. Good at adapting to social situations)

I - 7

A - 2 (god, so inflexible)

L - 3 (incredibly lucky to live in Australia, but in general I'm pretty clumsy and unlucky at times :tongue:)

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Alex [AK]
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:24 pm

Isn't that more of of an agility/perception problem? But nice that you qualified it in terms of small everyday things.

Really, anyone in a position to buy and spend time on a computer game doesn't get to say they have a 1 or 2 in luck on the global scale.

Just be thankful for what you've got - Massive Attack

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:55 am

S:2 (meh)

P:3 ( i use eye glasses and i have double vision)

E: 2-3 (i can jog but i rather avoid doing it)

C: 6-7 ( i can keep up a conversation and get along with people)

I: 4-5 (on a good day) 2-3 (mondays)

A: 1 (i have horrible balance)

L: 1 (If i would win a lottery, the ticket would burst in fire).

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Julie Ann
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:46 am

S1 - I'm a little guy.

P3 - Got a lazy eye, and am red-green colorblind. And just not very observant.

E7 - One bonus of having a fast metabolism and small size is I've got staying power. Plus I live in the desert.

C6 - I act and I sing, and I'm either funny or everyone else likes me enough not to hurt my feelings.

I5 - I know things, and I know when I don't and need to shut up or ask questions.

A3 - I'm a klutz, but I get around.

L3 - Well, let's say I have the Jinxed trait on top of this.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:06 am

S: 1 - lanky

P: 8 - intuition

E: 3 - kinda lazy

C: 1 - strangers are evil

I: 6 - nerd

A: 1 - yoga is torture

L: 8 - win at casinos

Might actually use this as a character... thanks for the idea

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Eire Charlotta
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:43 pm

S 2
P 7
E 5
C 4
I 6
A 6
L 6
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..xX Vin Xx..
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:25 pm

S 1 : I'm a weakling seriously I can't open a bag of potato chips without help.

P 5: I'm decently observant though.

E 2: Not in the best of shape.

C 6: People find me charming and pleasant to be around. Though considering the company I'm in that might not mean much.

I 6: I like coding, and currently going for a degree in computer science.

A 3: Not the most acrobatic person around.

L 5: I've had it better than most I'll say that much.

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Cagla Cali
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:39 am

Using Fallout 1-3 scale:

S 4 - I'm not terribly muscular, I don't work out, but I have a fairly large frame. If I did work out, I'd be really strong.

P 8 - I'm very observant and perceptive. I can notice faint smells, sounds, and tastes much better than most people I know. Perfect vision.

E 4 - I almost never get sick (no more than once a year, usually less), but I can't run or do physical activity for very long.

C 6 - I'm generally friendly with others and well-liked, but I can be a bit of a shy wall-flower sometimes.

I 7 - I get straight A's in college and graduated in the top 4 percentile of my class in HS, got almost a perfect score on Math SATs (31). I like to think I'm pretty creative and artistic too.

A 6 - My reflexes are pretty good. Only slightly above average though.

L 5 - I have equal amounts good and bad luck, though it depends. RNGs hate me, but I have good luck with dice.

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Isabell Hoffmann
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:03 pm

S = 10

P = 100

E = 10+

C = 10

I = 11

A = 10

L = 10x-1

Plus I am idolized all over the world ;D

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Jennifer Munroe
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:33 am

S = 4 - If 1 if is some teenie bopper girl, and 10 is a pro body-builder, 4 is fair.

P = 3 - I'm awful at noticing things; downright god awful. Despite having vision that isn't 20/20, I can still see things from a much further distance than most people...so long as I'm looking for it.

E = 6 - I actually have quite a bit of stamina.

C = 4 - I can hold my own in sparking up a conversation, but I usually try to let others do the talking. That said, I'm great at public speaking.

I = 8 - Smarter than most, but if 10 represents the scientists of the world, I feel this is about fair.

A = 1 - I'm not all that fast, definitely not flexible, and I'm very clumsy naturally.

L = 9 - I'm awesome with luck. Tests, girlfriends, jobs, general day to day stuff. I haven't won the lottery, but then again I don't play it.

- EDIT -

Actually, I played by Fallout's rules and reassigned points assuming we have 28 to spend and must have at least 1 in an attribute. :smile:

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Lisha Boo
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:22 pm

S: 4 - I don't work out, but I can still lift heavy stuff if I need to.

P: 4 - I'm blind in one eye, but the other has perfect vision. I have to wear glasses to even it out. (Guess that'd give me 5 Perception with the Four Eyes perk from New Vegas, lol)

E: 2 - I'm really lazy and not very active.

C: 4 - I have a handsome face but an ugly body (See Endurance). Feel that evens out to a mediocre score.

I: 6 - I did very well in school, but I lack street smarts.

A: 6 - I'm very fast, but can't run for too long. (See Endurance)

L: 8 - Good things always seem to come my way.

I'm not very S.P.E.C.I.A.L.. I wouldn't last long in the Fallout world, unless I always got really lucky.

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Laura Richards
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:41 pm








Jack of all trades babyyyyyy.

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