4's across the board is looking pretty good. No matter what, I'm going to have to put lots of points in stats to get them where I want them to be for perks... But a lot of perks won't really be necessary until later in the game. I plan on playing an intelligent, sniping, thief.. . but it's probably not likely that I'll come across a sniper rifle or any energy weapons right off the bat.. Sneak, lockpicking, pickpocket and hacking are all 4 and under.. will easily be able to start fleshing out a good thief and those will all probably come in handy from the start. . And while there's no perks at the moment that I'd want for Endurance or Charisma, setting those at 1 to give other stats a boost might be problematic down the road if it turns out that maybe I would like to take a perk in one of those.