I've liked it so far. For me PC voice acting is a welcome change so I'm not just a floating pair of arms in FP mode. Maybe they'll add legs next!
I've liked it so far. For me PC voice acting is a welcome change so I'm not just a floating pair of arms in FP mode. Maybe they'll add legs next!
All the voice acting heard so far is a considerable improvement from previous games.
(as a side note, there seems to be a sudden surge of hostility/ranting in this sub forum these past few days)
You can only contain enthusiasm and hype for so long. Then it becomes a fev goo, and everyone that partakes of it turns into super mutants, or centaurs.
The difference being of course the mutants, are happy go lucky. If occasionally they act like the bastard children of Sheogorath.
Centaurs on the other hand being once happy creatures now whipped into a tortured form to experience and inflict misery on others.
And, sadly I had way to much fun with this post.
haha "flat" really??....you would prefer he overacted and hammed up every line ?? 13k lines of dialog and what is your expectation.. he deliver every line like the climix of a shakespear play ? ill wait until some more "critical" game moments before I judge..flat youve got to be [censored] kidding me... he was talking to a robot.
That's the problem Bethesda is facing.You either have a blank slate or a thoroughly developed character; not both.
You can't have a PC with palpable emotion and yet have one that is fully customizable to the players whim and roleplaying preferences.
We've ended up (seemingly) with a slate that doesn't provide enough character and colour on it's own, while providing too much character and colour for players to 'paint' their own roleplaying experience.
I supported the implementation initially, but I'm struggling to see how Bethesda can reach a happy medium between the two expectations.
You can't have a blank slate that also pops with character, it's an impossible intersection to meet; no matter how skilled Bethesda Game Studios may be.
I'm really interested to see how this plays out...
With the Irony being that the robot had substantially greater character and brio?
Of course he doesn't, it's Pinky's role to be emotional!
Pinky and the Brain, Pinky and the Brain, one is a genius, the other's insane...
But yeah, more voices is the obvious solution. Preferably by voice actors from more than one race, like in Saints Row. Non-white characters having white voice actor might sound a bit weird. And vice versa. Versus. Versa.
Reading it was fun too!
This. There are more factors in play. You can't react 100% realistically. What is a realistic reaction? Depends on the person, the situation etc. If you make the responses a lot more emotional it will be less rpg-friendly. What if I roleplay as a character, that just doesnt' give a f...? Or a person that tends to react with confusion or anger?
The point being, if you include voice acting in a BGS game, you have to make it strategically neutral to a certain point. This is NOT Mass Effect.
We have far too little to go off of to form any conclusive judgment one way or another. The fact that some people are nervous and others are excited about the voice acting quality by going only off of the miniscule amount we've heard so far is natural, but final judgments before we're exposed to a much larger amount of dialogue in context is highly premature in my opinion.
Including his/her wife/husband and child who were supposed to have been lead into the vault with him/her? After all, he's the "sole survivor" of vault 111, right?
Don't have a problem with Piper's (or anyone we've seen so far - except the protag) voice acting.
Oh, and except that she's scowling and basically yelling at him, then suddenly changes her tone and pretty much offering a booty call in her office... But I'd say that's a problem with the writing, what they wanted from her, not the voice acting itself.
Yeaaaah, not going to jump to anything like saying whether the voice acting is bad or not from what amounts to probably less than 1% of all the acting. Personally, I love what I have seen so far anyway.
TBH, i will be in shock if most of the people on the forums even buy the game, as it seems a few had already made it out as a bland game.
Too early to assume anything. I'll have to wait for the game first and finish it
this threat is the show how ppl complain for complain, so far u hear 6 lines of actual dialogue.
U guys are really crying about something u havent try, is like 5 years kid crying bc they dont like broccoli.
The voices sound good to me. I have a soft spot for voice acting in games though. I remember how excited I was when I heard my NES say "Dwouble Dwibble" or at the arcade when I passed the Altered Beast machine and heard "Riiiiiiiise from your gwaaaaave!"
Dunno yet. And ragging on someone you haven't heard say even two dozen words seems a bit excessive.
Most of the problems are from the writers, “Voice Director” and editing.
Like constancy that I mentioned before, a lot of actors will be doing multiple voices and trying to keep each character sounding different, it’s the voice director’s job to make sure that the characters voice stays constant.
I’m going to use Cortez from ME3 as an example, Matthew Del Negro who voiced Cortez did a good job but the writing was crap. Also they only recorded one set of dialog for his character and that was the romance dialog, if you did not romance the character he still spoke to you as if you were his boyfriend, that was where Matthew’s good voice acting was a problem because you could hear the affection in his voice it started to feel like he was harassing me. The emotion in his voice was out of place.
Emotion or remorse does not always equate to an over the top, Broadway theater reaction. Dude sounds stiff like he's reading cue cards for an after school, Sesame Street movie.