Hey there guys. I haven't posted in the forums in a while due to the fact that I had lost hope in Crysis 2. I'm not going to keep beating a dead horse but it really feels like a slap in the face when your stats get resetted, and the modules you worked hard on to upgrade get resetted and so on (I'll be coming out with a video on this). But even still I carry on playing the game. I jumped back on it after a while today and had a few good matches. Didn't dare try and look for a a match within the 'Retaliation' playlist. I don't have hours to waste but still Crysis 2 time to time feels like home. Decimation map pack? If 20 people from this forum get it, I'll get it. LOL. Anyway, add me up guys if you haven't already: Kaysar_Rashid
I see a few new faces have joined the forums since they've bought the game recently which seems to be good news.
My Crysis 2 videos can be found @: http://www.youtube.com/kaysarrashidPeace!