Were you in the Navy perchance? No matter, but I knew quite a few who got into the same sort of trouble....LOL
Were you in the Navy perchance? No matter, but I knew quite a few who got into the same sort of trouble....LOL
No, my dear... I was there on a contract. However, I was on a first name basis with all the Marines at Post One. Many a night I staggered out and would scan the bodies passed out in the street for our brothers.
That was many years ago, I'm afraid.
Close enough. And I know about the years.
I like the accent, unspecific though it seems to be.
You know listening to it a little closer and noting your previous post.. I believe he is putting an inventive twist in there to uniquely tweak the character.
Regardless, Brynjolf's accent alone makes him one of my favorite Skyrim npcs. I also like his character.
So, he doesn't just have the accent, he knows the Falmer tongue and is a fast reader...
My god maybe the falmer blood elixir is a real thing
I think all the unique characters are modeled after the voice actor.
Oh, he got it.
... that's the bad part, I'm afraid.
You should see the resemblance between Sean Bean back in 2005-6 and Martin Septim in Oblivion
He has a light scottish accent. You can tell with certain words. Job done.
Scottish accent. I should know being scottish myself.
Many developers like to model the characters in the game after their voice actors. BioWare for example is very fond of this, and Bethesda to some degree.
It's a Scottish accent. It sounds nothing like an English accent and it's also totally different to an Irish accent. I'm British (Welsh) so I know.