Main Reason is the lag issues but its not just that its the low skill jump in FPS style they've incorporated.
I bought this game after having played the beta that it would be call of duty style gameplay with a learning curve of sorts, but its not.
Its just another Cone spraying FPS where Fully autos dominate the game.
Also the Blatently overpowered SCAR doesn't help the enjoyment for me since its the first gun you ever get in the game and thus everyone is using it, And for good reason, its the best gun in the game where six shots will drop a fully healthed fully armoured opponent.
Whats so different about this and call of duty? Its the suit, thats about it, but the suit alone wont keep me playing for months, even weeks.
After I finish a game now I feel like "meh whatever" even when I go into games with like 25 - 0 in teamdeathmatch, when I think back to it, I realise i did not enjoy that game, its weird, This isn't a bad game by any means, its just fairly average, maybe I had too high expectations not sure but the multiplayer effort is sub-par and I give a thumbs down to Free Radical, I mean Crytek UK.
Also what was the patch for? All I notice is that my Maxed out retriever perk got reset which made me rage.