i have 12gb's of ram, as an intelligent gamer that likes to look ahead and be safe
play games
listen to music
render 3d and 2d
browse the internet
download dirty porm

64bit is a safer option for multitasking, Durrr
people that say theres no point of crysis 2 64bit are just POOR OR JEALOUS
None of that has any bearing on Crysis 2 though, dumby. If that is your typical workflow then 8+GB is correct for you and you need a 64bit OPERATING SYSTEM. Crysis 2 will not see a performance increase from being technically allowed to address more than 3.25GB. I'm talking to people who buy 8gb JUST TO PLAY GAMES.
For a **** 15 year old u talk way to much just stfu your opinions wich is all they are have been heard now shutup.
First off, you have no idea how old I am, nor does that have any bearing on the fact that you disagree with what I'm saying. Secondly, if you want me to take you seriously stop typing like a 12 year old girl and use correct grammar. Thirdly, learn the difference between opinions and facts. Peformance increase is not an opinion, it's a fact based on empirical and direct evidence.