» Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:43 am
Wow did u get those words out of the dictionary just now im impressed.
You're throwing ages around like it means something, then acting like an immature brat. Do you understand how that undermines anything you say?
Being intelligent is such a hassle, u wudnt no about dat.
Abouut the poster that implies that folks are buying 8 GB just for gaming (or just for Office 2010), that usually isn't even close to being true.
If you have a computer and go online (even playing C2 single-player, let alone MP, means that you will be online for part, if not all, of that time), more likely than not, in addition to the game, you'll have other software running, (IM software. A web browser. Utilities. Etc. Etc.) Each of these applets or utilities uses system resources. (maybe half a megabyte here, and a few hundred kilobytes there; however, it all adds up). Basically, everybody runs multiple applications or multiple processes at the same time Gamers are second only to video transcoders and CAD/CAM users in terms of multiple process usage; like those other two classes of user, there will be one large application and several other, related, processes or applets or utilities running.
I went x64 not due to a particular game (or even a particular application, not even Office, which I've used for Windows since 2005), but because I tend to NOT run applications one at a time.