» Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:07 am
No im just a wise investor that wont haft to upgrade his dual xeon machine for 4 or 5 years big difference between spending money wisely and buying new hardware that will be outdated in 2 months.
You paid money for hardware that was not designed for you, and won't offer you any performance gain in its primary use over anyone with an i7 k model and 4gb of RAM.
U obviously dont have much expertise on what type of market the sr-2 was made for it was made for benchmarkers and gamers and all type of work related things too i personally bought it for benchmarking but to tell me my sr-2 and my 4 gtx 580s along with my 2 xeons and 48 gigs of ram wasnt designed for gaming then you must be pritty stupid and shouldnt talk if u dont have any knowledge in that department.
Dual xeons not made for gaming, games can't use all the cores.
Games are 99% 32bit, can't address more than 3.25GB, on the rare occasion that they can they don't need to.
60fps is all you need for gaming, 4 GPUs over 2 will not make the game LOOK smoother at 1080p.
The top I7 beats the SR2.
Sir, you do not understand this, a 64bit .exe would allow Crysis to use more than 4gigs of ram (including windows, programs, etc.).
More ram means more possibilities for higher texture resolution, and other nifty things.
YES, it will not make the game run better. The choice between 32bit and 64bit is exactly like High vs Extreme graphics option, it is your choice whether you are looking for eye-candy or performance.
Cheers, sir.
Go benchmark Crysis 1 and 32bit mode and 64bit mode. It makes NO DIFFERENCE IN PERFORMANCE. I already stated that it would technically allow C2 to address more than 3.25gb, read my other posts...