Oh neither would I, in a nutshell I lost plenty of family in the drug wars over in Mexico, and I'll rather not go into detail on what I saw in that! But still, hugging is good, everyone needs a hug and a cookie.
Oh neither would I, in a nutshell I lost plenty of family in the drug wars over in Mexico, and I'll rather not go into detail on what I saw in that! But still, hugging is good, everyone needs a hug and a cookie.
I'll take the cookie. Gimme the cookie, I need the cookie.
Another crazy thing (I'm only gonna post funny ones)
I remember seeing a deer own a wolf. It was standing at the edge of this tall rock (In Pennsylvania, there are a lot of these) and the wolf tried to lunge at it but..the deer dodged and the wolf came falling down.
Funny thing is, the wolf was fine and the deer was looking down like "U mad bro?" then the deer ran off and the wolf walked away hungry...All seen from the back of my friends ford explorer
EDIT- It could've been a coyote cause wolves hunt in packs....
Wow, some of this stuff is heavy! My heart goes out to you guys.
I've lived a pretty sheltered life, the worst I've seen was an elderly lady get mugged in the parking lot of Wal-mart. I jumped out of my friend's car to help her, while my friend followed the car the muggers took off in and got the plate number. A week later I had to go to a line-up at the police station where I picked the guy out and he went to jail. Better luck next time, [censored].
Not exactly awe inspiring, but about 8-9 years ago, we were at Wal-Mart and had to evacuate the store and SWAT rushed it. Turns out someone phoned in a bomb threat. But they didn't find a bomb, at least it wasn't in the news, so I suppose it was some dike prank calling them.
I'm not even kidding, we had this happen literally every day for 2 weeks straight when I was in high school. Got to the point that people brought their guitars and snacks to school because we knew we'd spend most of the day outside in the field.
When I was in 5th grade a guy who was renting a house down the street had a fight with his girlfriend and barricaded himself in his house with a gun. Nothing bad happened but it was pretty crazy having my neighborhood completely blocked off by police cars, SWAT teams with assault rifles and dogs walking down my street, and a big giant truck that read "COMMAND CENTER" on the side.
Another one was in 2012 when Hurricane Sandy hit us. I went to sleep and everything was normal and woke up to what looked like a war zone. It's just crazy how much destruction was caused in only a few hours.
Long ago I swore I saw a jeep bursting into flames on a highway with the skeletal remains of folk inside while I drove past. Thing is though, the others for which I was riding with do not remember seeing such a thing in their entire life.
I still wonder to this day whether I was hallucinating or not. Think I got a sixth sense.