So whats the deal with lefthand reloading all the guns in F4

Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 6:02 am

judging by what we seen so far, ALL guns are orginal designs, with some parts inspired by real life guns.

So no copy/paste of real life guns this time.
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 8:08 am

It works in both directons except with with bulprop guns as you would eject in your face as the eject port is in the stock.

One rifle I had in the army ejected the chasing in a weird way, Found that I could hit the helmet of the guy to the right of me if I positioned my correctly :)

Main problem with an bolt action is that you would have to move your left arm much more and also move the gun more.

Again its rule of cool, not that is functional

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Jaki Birch
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:59 am

To me, if it′s too wrong it stops being cool :P

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lisa nuttall
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 2:36 pm

I think we're mixing up two topics.

1. Reloading (the animation of putting a new magazine into a weapon). Just went through some gameplay vids from assorted games on Youtube. Seems like it's standard in FPS-ish games for the reloading to be done with the left hand while the right hand holds the weapon. Possibly for the reasons of 1. more interesting animation, and 2. quicker animation.

2. Where on the gun the ejection port is. And yes, I agree that having the bolt on the left side is very odd. The Fallout 3 vid I watched, the hunting rifle clearly has it's bolt on the right, and it didn't have any problem animating. (Interestingly, the actual reload animation for the hunting rifle was also gun held in left hand. Whereas the Combat Shotgun one was lefty. The let's play for FO3 didn't have nearly as much combat/minute as the other games.)

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 5:35 am

Yes, now when thinking about it, military type rifles may be quicker to reload with the left hand because of how they work (release and drop the empty mag using a mechanism with the right thumb and insert a new with left hand) and because they have a pistol grip making it easier to hold with right hand. I was mainly thinking about hunting type rifles :)

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Teghan Harris
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 2:37 am know, I hadn't even thought about single-shot bolt-action guns. All the bolt-action ones I was thinking of are magazine fed. Huh. I can't think, off the top of my head, of a game that has that in it. Perhaps one of the WW2-era games. But yeah, a single-shot bolt-action rifle with a right-hand bolt, would likely also load the new shell with the right hand as well. It's just such a rare occurrence in games. :tongue: Break-action shotguns load with the left hand, though.

(finding a bolt-action sniper rifle reload animation for any of the modern-military MP games was a pain - either the dude got killed & respawned before needing to reload, or it was an edited montage that didn't bother to include reloading. :meh: )

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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 8:45 am

Oh, cuz every single gun I own is designed for right handed loading, from hunting rifles, bolt and lever action, to shotguns. Pistols and SMGs it isn't as much of a big deal, but any of the weapons I mentioned you would have to turn the gun upside down to load it from your left hand. Also, to say it is just a game and not a sim is a cop out excuse. Battlefield is just a game, and it isn't a sim, yet it includes more realistic weapon behavior.

What is next, power armor that looks like aluminum foil, because hey it is just a game and not a sim so who cares about any details or looking somewhat realistic right?

this is what I'm talking about:

guy in the vid flat out says keep rifle at shoulder during every reload....which, with the wonky reloading in FO4 hunting rifle, is flat out impossible, because, it backwards.

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John Moore
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:28 am

Speaking from experience, I tend to reload with my right hand there too. I break the gun and hold it by the front stock, then I reach down my right pocket to pick up two new shells, I put them in and then close the gun with my left hand. I guess milage can vary... :smile:

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 11:37 am

As I said, most long rifles you do load with your right hand but an overwhelming majority of other weapons are loaded and cocked with your non-dominant. And this game is not a sim, it is not trying to emulate anything such as battlefield is, so that is a silly example and just the worse possible comparison. Who is to say that the weapon behaviour isn't realistic? The makers of the game are the only ones who can make that call. It is clear they want the player to be able to see more of the weapon and be impressed with the reloading and such as people have stated here. This game has bloody super mutants, giant scorpians, ghouls and yet people are fussed with THIS amoung other reasons. What a joke, because this game is for the most part, far from realistic in our sense of the world. So who the hell is to say what is unrealistic in the Fallout world?

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 10:56 am

Yeah, I was talking about game animations here. Always have been. :smile:

I definitely remember the shotgun loading animations in games I've played involves holding the gun in the right hand and feeding one shell at a time into it with the left. Hmm. How does the lever-action rifle reload in Fallout:New Vegas? (Only other game I can think of that might have one is Red Dead, but I've never played that....)

We have to remember that we're talking about games. Even when they have "realistic" reload animations, they're going to make them faster & more streamlined than IRL, for gameplay purposes.

That's we mean by the "it's a game, not a sim" thing. Kind of like how players always have more full magazines to load, even when they've been picking up remnants of ammo from enemies. Or how, if you reload off a partial magazine, those 4 extra rounds left in the clip somehow migrate into another full one. And yeah, some games go more "realistic" than others. It's a scale, not just one or the other. Battlefield might handle it's guns a bit more realistically than Fallout which might handle them more realistically than Doom, which might handle them more realistically than Serious Sam or Borderlands. Heck, I'm sure ARMA does it's guns more "real" than Battlefield does, since that game actually is getting close to a sim.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:29 pm

The thing is, the "faster and more streamlined" way to fire a bolt action rifle would be with bolt on right side and right handed chambering.

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:13 am

Single shot rifles was obsolete before WW1 for military use, used today in some use in hunting rifles with large caliber and more popular as shotgun / rifle combos.

They was common at the later part of 19th century, most black-powder rifles was single shot.

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Daramis McGee
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:55 am

which means left side bilt is perfect if you wanna balance out a high per shot dmg, which might be the case here (and rule of cool too, of course)
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:35 am

Seems like a silly way to balance. Balance via animation and not weapon stats? And rule of cool? It looks stupid as hell.

Now, if it is like that because of customization and you can have the bolt on either side, that is cool and the gang, and I applaud that level of customization. If it isn't, and every single hunting rifle is like that, then it dumb. It the E3 presentation, Howard made it a point to talk about their meticulous attention to detail, and imo a left handed bolt isn't attention to detail at all, and sloppy.

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Jerry Cox
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:41 pm

Well, like I said - it IS very odd that the bolt-action gun in the video has the bolt on the left side. Every other bolt-action gun I could find in a game is right-side. Doesn't change the part where almost every type of gun in FPS-style games seems to reload with the left hand while holding it in the right.

(Again, I'm considering "load gun" and "move bolt to chamber new round" to be two different things. Using the bolt to eject the shell & chamber the new one fits in the same category as pumping a pump-action shotgun or flipping the lever on a lever-action rifle.... it's not the "reload" animation, unless that bolt-action rifle is also single-round.)

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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 12:33 pm

sure, most magazine and clip loading is done with the left. But that isn't what I talking about. However, a lot of clip loading or loading of rounds 1 at a time, like say a shotgun, can be done with whatever is comfortable. Some people it is a lot easier to manually load rounds with dominant hand, and in some guns it is made that way, like my lever action Marlin.

This pic is a good example what my marlin is like, and as you can see if in the field it is made for you to load rounds with right hand.

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:12 am

to a gun nerd like you perhaps, and thats ya burden to bare ;3

But for others it will have a rule of cool appeal.
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:46 pm

Sorry, I tend to blur the barrier between the two realities... :P

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Brandon Bernardi
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:40 pm

no, it is a video game, something you are going to have to deal with or simpyl stop playing if this annoys you, it is not going to change.

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 5:52 am

I'd file this one under "ease of development". Less memory used for extra animations, less potential clipping with armor sets, ect. May not be as pretty as a slew of different reloading animations but when you really think about it that would be a hell of a quagmire for all of the different variances. There are much better opportunities for adding better features I think so it isn't a big deal. And yes I am proefficient in firearms use.

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