But im curious what you gonna do first when you step out in the world.
For me, I think it gonna be to take a look on the sun, look around and then strawl around.
But depends pretty much where you will start. Becuse if you gonna start in a city I will go down the streets, look around, not talk to anyone, just look around. Then Im going to go to a tavern, sit down and have a mead or ale.
If I start outside, I will try to find a path and follow it, look at the trees and maybe find a small settlement I can rest in

After that, I maybe try to find/buy a bow and go out and hunt.
No rush here

Oh, and with witch sort of character? A thief, warrior, hunter? Nord, Dunmer or maybe imperial?
I think I gonna be a bosmer, I love bows and cant play without them. So yea, Im gonna go with a bsomer