Several things I wanted to respond to
"aliens are stupid and unrealistic" (and I suppose 6 metre long ants aren't)
"No magic pockets"
"no magic" (then we wouldn’t have weird and cool quests like the dunwhich building)
"Fallout isn’t about humour it about survival" (somebody actually said this, I’ll try to find the quote)
Aliens are a sci fi space element that has nothing to do with humans. They are not from earth they've nothing to do with it. Those ants are supposed to be a result of the nuclear war the destroyed the earth. While not as eloquent as some of the others its the whole "What have we wrought" idea
Magic Pockets are lame. Fallout settlements are often mud, brick, wood, or dilapidated buildings. People are starving or dying from thirst. Some resort to cannibalism. You carry 3 sets of Power Armor, 3 rifles, 2 shotguns, 4 handguns, 237 stimpaks, and more ammo than Los Alamitos Army Base.
No Magic - Dunwich wasn't magic. Dunwich was occult and had vague implications (as they ought to be since it was a Lovecraft reference)
Fallout isn't about humor it is about survival. Humor is a part of it. but the premise of Fallout is that we destroyed the world through our own greed. Nearly wiped ourselves out, but we survived and are slowly building it back up. But war, war never changes. In each game you try to stop greedy people from destroying the world again. Clearly survival is the basis, regardless of how many funny references F1 and 2 had and how many....meh....jokes Fallout 3 had.
"Someone said Fallout is not about the humour?? these casual players..."
Same as just above, with the addendum that condescension is sad. It's even more sad when you condescend but refuse to elaborate on why those you have condescended to are wrong. But then I suppose three small dots are easier than elaboration...aren't they?
"RPG games really should be the most unrealistic because its suposed to be fun being someone else for a change and doing stuff that would be difficult in real life."
-xxcYyLOnexx-Friday March 19, 2010
i like fallout due to many things like : the world: a post apocalyptic world and interaction of the survivors etc.., mutants: pretty real if you think of them as people on steroids, but only green(funny)

) - like arnold in conan the barbarian... the fact that they are dumb is obvious... and the fact that there are few smart ones, and those are ex soldiers. ghouls...could be possible, alien like centaur the news and see what strange creatures are found or mutate in our times....
also the companions and the girl in the pink dress with the sword. could be real....but due to the fact that she may have armour under that pink dress:P...think of having some companions that are the same to look power armor for example...where is the feeling of "character of your character" that you have in the chick in pink dress and a dog or two lame characters in power armor. With the dog it's the exact same thing and i would doubt that a raider would take a pitbull with a f-ing doggy power armor armor, but where would be the fun in watching that (or it could be3 actually quite funny:))))) )
so stop harassing the f-ing game or you will get a nice flight simulator:))
the alien part in F3 is not that cool. at least not the ending . .. the game should end here because you have total dominance with that mother ship. it was more fun in f1 or f2 with the encounter and dead aliens...really funny.
there are some flaws in F3 compared to F1 and F2 and personally o hoped for more on the side quest like real interaction with the brother hood or enclave...doing missions for them, expand in other bunkers and stuff like that like in Tactics...and what i hate most is the cap level ...why in the helllllll do you have so many xp to be had in vain...
the only flaw in the realism that i see is the fact that the game is kind of easy on very hard. i always start and finish on normal, only to do a perfect play on very hard. so i would suggest on very hard fewer stimpacks and each drink ofwater have triple radion and death by radion on hard...addiction that disables you so you can't take too many radaway.
this is my point of view. and as a fact you can't compare a game from one universe with can't compare oblivion with fallout or nwn or dragonage or bg1-2 or i can continue with rpg or massfect...wich was kind of dissapointing on the rpg part, especially on the second game. probably too difficult on the consoles.