You can choose anywhere
mine is Whiterun i don′t know there is something in Whiterun that is always saying to me :
You can choose anywhere
mine is Whiterun i don′t know there is something in Whiterun that is always saying to me :
Whiterun after SCs move in, Windhelm, Heljarchen.
Meh, they'll get over it. Just doesn't feel right to me without my boys rockin that bear and walking around. Eorlund and my grey manes are happy. Thats all I care about. No place like home. I wish I could live in Ivarstead or Riverwood.
Ah guy forgot about Riverwood. i love that village. too bad about Delphine.
I am surrounded by True Nords from ye olde days. Loyal and educated they are, and speak the holy tongue. I am free to conduct my experiments that can only benefit the good people of Skyrim, in privacy away from the superstitious.
That is... when Valdar is not around...
the plot of Land Lakeview is built on..
place reminds me so much of the camp I Own IRL, Surrounded by forest, great view of a body of water, really out of the way secluded quiet spot....
Imperial supporters, and those who aren't blind fanatics, and or neutral, will agree with you.
Those who are hardcoe undying loyalty to Stromcloaks will disagree.
Whiterun and Windhelm for my two favorite characters respectively.
Well, Winhelm's kinda hard to get used to playing as a Khajiit, what with the Dunmer and Argonians, but at least most of them are across town.!
I agree. I don't like the mood of the city regardless of who wins the Siege because of the destruction, but a Stormcloak victory feels worse. Felt kinda crappy showing my face around there the one time I did the CW quest for the Cloaks.
I agree with you...
my current character is siding with the Stormcloaks (I usually swap sides each character), but I always feel like an *** because of whiterun.
Both because of the Aftermath (like you posted), but also the way Balgruuf talks to you upon the end of the battle.. really makes you feel like you just stabbed your best friend in the back...
Their "suffering" is minimal for a city that was just taken over. It could be much worse, and they'll get over it. Worth the price of losing family members being taken away for talos worship. Those are the real sufferers.
Yes, anyone else who disagrees is a stupid yokel/biased idiot.... Thanks alot....
It is nice, but the attacks and kidnappings make me feel guilty for leaving family there.
The Rift. The autumnal colors, the Aspens, lakes, waterfalls, I love every inch of that region. It is by far my favorite region in any Elder Scrolls game.
But if you're asking about towns, I guess I would pick Solitude. I get a special feeling from being in Solitude. Maybe it's because its so high above the swamps. Just walking up that winding road from the swamps all the way up to the front gate puts me in this mood. I like the atmosphere of the place: the banners, the sea birds whirling around in the air above the roofs, ect. It's one of the few cities in the game with a castle. And Solitude as seen from a distance is, in my opinion, the most amazing sight in the entire series.
I'm confident that Stormcloak supporters can see the downsides of such an act, and the misery of non-Storrmcloak/Imperial-sympathetic citizens.
I'm also confident the undying loyal Stormcloaks will attack Shadow's opinion as false, and stir up yet another civil war discussion.
Falkreath, the pine trees remind me of the pine trees we have in most places here in NorCal (the Foothills, Tahoe, etc.).
In the Rift. Because nothing beats the beauty of those birch forests.
I'm the biggest SC fan here, or at least I've been called. And I haven't even began to call the claims false, but "misery" is exaggerated. If I do say so myself. A few people are annoyed, and like one's complaints are likely imaginated (the alchemist who tries to sell me things I don't need and wonders why the SCs dont buy from her, lol.) Either way, as I said, their complaints are nothing compared to Talos hunting.
@below: THIS makes my skin crawl:
Worthy sacrifice to stop this. I'm sure the inn keeper will understand if I don't give two squats about her dealing with some rough SCs breaking furniture to get rid of religious hunting,
And to avoid derailing further, I'll end it with we clearly disagree.