» Fri Nov 12, 2010 3:38 pm
I went with factions because much of the other stuff we know or can guess will be in. I went back and looked at Morrowind and was overwhelmed with the number of factions I could join, I had completely forgotten about the morag tong for example. I want to have tons of factions in Skyrim above the normal few. Bethesda distilled factions down to archetypes ie Fighter, Mage, Thief, Assassin (illegal killing), Gladiator (legal killing). What Morrowind had going for it was the fact that each faction was radically different. There were similar archetypes, but things overlapped and diverged frequently. For example, you could be House Telvanni and running errands for an insane wizard and have to be careful.
The Great Houses were just that, great. They gave you a real sense of belonging, you didn't just have jobs, you had a family of sorts. The religious cults were fun because it wasn't all hack and slash and was a complete change of tack from the normal go to x and kill y. Granted, it was hard to play morrowind sometimes due to small but important things like the map and the journal (try finding anything in there....) But it had the right idea. I shouldn't be able to take control of every faction, most maybe, but if I do, it should take a long time.
Also, bring back the strongholds. Building a stronghold really gave you a sense of being somebody in your house, it was a small thing but very welcome. If it were brought back and you could establish your own little town, plantation, whatever, it'd offer a lot for immersion and fun.