So here is the scenario.
Your exploring around Solstheim. You killed the first dragon in Skyrim but your not going to do the MQ any time soon. Then there is the Dragon Born DLC... it hasn't triggered because you have not spoken to the Grey Beards.
Anyway from previous playing experience you know that there is a shout you can learn that lets you break those stone shrines Miraak has in Solstheim. Here is the dilemma.
I'm not playing a dragonborn character. I don't want to. But I'd like to actually be able to SLEEP IN Solstheim! Who's bright idea was it that any character that went there would wake up at some random shrine? My dunmer just wants a good nights sleep in her new manor!
So... what could possibly be the harm of her going to that word wall. learning the shout and then using it on the shrines? Will they even break? Will this allow her to get a good night's sleep? Will it break the quest later? Who cares I don't plan on her doing it anyway.
Thing is since she is not a dragonborn and thanks to Live Another Life she started out in Windhelm and returned to Raven Rock and has remained there. I could give her a dragon soul through the console. She's already learned the word. I'm just trying to gather a list of whats the worse that could happen. Its not like the word wall was locked away. There wasn't even a dragon there. Just draugr. There are no dragons in her game, period. But she would really like to be able to sleep.
Has anyone else done this? learned the shout and used it on the shrines before being part of the Dragon Born MQ?