Whats with all the hate? [SERIOUS DISCUSSION ONLY]

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:11 pm

"Rise Above Hate"
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:07 am

LOL. Immediately after stating he didn't want to start a flame war, the OP reduces the posts he objects to to "I wasted my moms money, wah!".
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:19 pm

because some people expected a game with more than 300 hours of content and a massive open world to be bug-less...

a-ha - thats the problem: interpretation.

See, beth promised (and delivered) a 300-hr game to their audience. But they never said you'd be playing 300 hrs straight without bugs. if 1/3 of that you spend redoing stuff due to Glitches & Co., well, they did not come short on their word...
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james reed
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:40 pm

No I am not here to start a "We hate skyrim" or "skyrim is so cool" or any kind of flame war. I haven't seen this much hate for a game since.....since.....ever.Like this whole section is littered with "I wasted my moms money, wah!" or similar stories. Even oblivion didn't get this much hate.....Why? The graphics look amazing - ok so there are some glitches but very game has glitches. Software developers are not perfect. game designers are not perfect.....

I'm just so baffled, one minute the forum is full of "what should I make, where should I go" and the next its "We hate Bethesda, todds head on a stick! woot!"


I submit that it is this way with every RPG I've ever followed. For one thing these games are so complex that no matter WHAT they do a lot of people are going to say "yeah but you should have done this".

Go look at some of the other games and check out the threads around release time. People lost thier fricken minds bashing Fallout New Vegas "whaaaaaaa I miss my atmosphere, not enough exploring....WHERE'S MY LOOOOOOOOOOOOOT". Ugh.

I wasn't here for it but I'm told it was a b*tch fest when Oblivion came out. People were still whining about Mass Effect 2 being "dumbed down" two years after it came out, and Dragon Age 2 damn near caused a flippin revolt. There was a lot of hate and discontent on Fable 3 from what I saw but I didn't hang at that forum long as it didn't take me long to decide that I hated Fable.

From what I'm seeing, this game isn't getting near the hate the FONV and DA2 got.
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CHangohh BOyy
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:24 pm

OP is really just complaining about complainers. He wants negativity towards flaws in the game squelched. Reported.

Wait what? I cant even dignify this with a proper response....What I am "complaining about" is the over load and flood of complaints from people who don't like that their sword inst as shiny as they thought it would be or that there is some bug that affects there 10000 hours of play.

We get you found a bug, we under stand you made a post about it, do you have to be a troll and attack the world?

I dont want the complaints squashed, I enjoy reading about the bugs, hat I have an issue with is the amount of "Bethesda svcks because I spent 10,000 hours playing this, divorced my wife over it and theirs a spelling mistake - troll" even wow doesn't get this much hate
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Karl harris
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:37 am

because not everyone are blind fanbois who are willing to accept a subpar product just because the title has elderscrolls in it.

You mean because you have never played an Elder scrolls before and don't understand that creating a completely be what you want to be game without any bugs in three years is hard?
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Crystal Clarke
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:23 pm

Well, with the current round of hate it comes down to two rather simple things:

1. Because a patch that is supposed to fix the game shouldn't make it worse.
2. Because we'd actually like it if Bethesda would bother communicating SOMETHING to us, their customers, about what they're doing to fix the problems.

As to the hate in general, most of us actually love Skyrim but the bugs keeps us from being able to enjoy it to the fullest and there isn't really anything most of us can do about it other than pester Bethesda to fix them.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:38 pm

Without Hate how could we improve the future?
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His Bella
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:17 am

Making a thread just to complain about those who complain is not at all productive - in fact it seems to me that it is doing exactly what the topic is about. We don't do these kind of topics, if others wish to complain about specific aspect of the game, fine, and as long as they are constructive and civil, fine.
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