First person shooters really don't require all that much skill. Its a video game people its not like a career. You don't get "further training" to keep up with your companies competition. I been thinking how it breaks down and it goes like this (or something real close to it).
1. How fast is your pc? This is accounts for 60% of being good at a FPS. If you can't keep up you can't win. Anyone who has gone from a crappy slow pc then went out and bought a real gaming rig knows what I am talking about. I also would like to say peripherals are included in this part. A fast accurate gaming mouse, super responsive keyboard, and a really good Mic Headset to communicate with team mates and hear directional sound (footsteps, where bullets are coming from etc, my sound card and headset actually lets me hear the doppler effect of bullets coming in).
2. Knowing the maps and best places to snipe from, camp with shotties etc. This probably makes up 20% of being good at any one game. You soon learn where enemies tend to camp it up or snipe from and this helps you survive when you know where and when to be more careful.
3. Lastly I give the so called "Skill" the last 20%. Yes fast reflexes on the keyboard, keeping control over you mouse and simply just playing smart helps keep one alive.
I guess I posted this because I just shake my head when I hear about how "skillful" a player is. Its a dam video game quit giving your selfs so much credit. Some people will always be better than others at first person shooters others more adapted to games like WOW.
I usually don't have the highest final kdr rating myself a lot of times because I like to play for fun and try to pull off crazy moves. Instead of lighting some one up from behind and getting the easy kill, its more fun to jump over them and while in the air see if you can pop a cap in the top of their skull lol.
Anyways quit giving your self so much credit its a video game it really doesn't require that much "skill".
Your post reeks of jealousy and butthurt.

(to be fair, Crysis 2 is super **** easy)
Also:]First person shooters really don't require all that much skill....
Then in that case it doesnt require all that much skill to be a race car driver, pilot, or a captain ?
Not even close to the same thing. Are you really comparing how good you are at a video game to something like driving a nascar vehicle? So in your opinion if you are really really good at a stock car racing game on the pc you would be just as skilled at a real nascar event?
Also, there's also a yearly competition to allow a GT player who posts the best lap times to become a real race car driver.