Whats with all this SKILL CRaP?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:05 am

First person shooters really don't require all that much skill. Its a video game people its not like a career. You don't get "further training" to keep up with your companies competition. I been thinking how it breaks down and it goes like this (or something real close to it).

1. How fast is your pc? This is accounts for 60% of being good at a FPS. If you can't keep up you can't win. Anyone who has gone from a crappy slow pc then went out and bought a real gaming rig knows what I am talking about. I also would like to say peripherals are included in this part. A fast accurate gaming mouse, super responsive keyboard, and a really good Mic Headset to communicate with team mates and hear directional sound (footsteps, where bullets are coming from etc, my sound card and headset actually lets me hear the doppler effect of bullets coming in).

2. Knowing the maps and best places to snipe from, camp with shotties etc. This probably makes up 20% of being good at any one game. You soon learn where enemies tend to camp it up or snipe from and this helps you survive when you know where and when to be more careful.

3. Lastly I give the so called "Skill" the last 20%. Yes fast reflexes on the keyboard, keeping control over you mouse and simply just playing smart helps keep one alive.

I guess I posted this because I just shake my head when I hear about how "skillful" a player is. Its a dam video game quit giving your selfs so much credit. Some people will always be better than others at first person shooters others more adapted to games like WOW.
I usually don't have the highest final kdr rating myself a lot of times because I like to play for fun and try to pull off crazy moves. Instead of lighting some one up from behind and getting the easy kill, its more fun to jump over them and while in the air see if you can pop a cap in the top of their skull lol.

Anyways quit giving your self so much credit its a video game it really doesn't require that much "skill".
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:01 am

Knowing that you svck at gaming and got no real skill aside from "Mouth running level 2", I find your terribly well written post to be quite ironic and entertaining.

Besides, you dont need to play a game on max settings to be competitive or have skills. In fact, many pro gamers prefer to lower graphic settings to lowest in order to reduce amount of clutter on screen.

Oh and before you start ranting more, try playing 1v1 against a pro ;)
You'll see a difference REALLY quick.
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Dorian Cozens
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:17 am

Oh and before you start ranting more, try playing 1v1 against a pro ;)
You'll see a difference REALLY quick.

Yeah, first thing you notice is they for some reason have 8 hours a day or more to spend playing video games.
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Lillian Cawfield
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:22 am

Exactly what I am talking about there is no such thing as a "real pro" with such skill that he or she can pretty much just beat everybody they come across. Most these skillful players I must admit are nothing more than good hackers, the kind of hackers that know how to not draw attention to themselves to much. They go 29 and 8, 27 and 7 then throw in a few average games to keep it realistic (yes I know you can achieve these scores without hacking too, its just an example).

But its a video game, there is a level cap to how good one can get it. Its not chess, a month or two of playing the game and your going to get as good as your going to get at it period. A lot of having the skills is really just playing more careful and playing smarter.

Given the exact same equipment I don't think there are players out there that are going to just beat 90 out of 100 people they play against.
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Batricia Alele
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:06 am

Oh and a real difference? I have one of the best keyboards and gaming mouse you can buy (the best imo, but others would argue it either way its one of the best) So how is this other player going to just out mouse me? I have complete control over my mouse and keyboard, I don't see how someone will be able to take my mouse and work some magic with it I didn't know existed.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:56 pm

Hello, stupid thread.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:02 am

Isn't this what constitutes "trolling"?

I've never been quite sure about the concept, but I seem to have read somewhere that it's about making ridiculous posts/statements solely for the amusemant of seeing people react (vigourously) to it.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:52 am

Isn't this what constitutes "trolling"?

I've never been quite sure about the concept, but I seem to have read somewhere that it's about making ridiculous posts/statements solely for the amusemant of seeing people react (vigourously) to it.

Shhh...quiet you, let em get all upset : )
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lillian luna
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:55 pm

LOL I'm guessing you're just looking to blame your crappy computer for how hard you're getting pwned in video games.

Of course its a skill-- you get better with practice, you lose skill when you don't. Do you only associate skill with athletics then or what? Music? Art? Video games take skill too pal.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:40 pm

... its more fun to jump over them and while in the air see if you can pop a cap in the top of their skull lol.

This is exactly what "skilled" players do WHILE they maintain a high KDR. And I've heard it's even more fun...
Playing for KDR doesn't make you good, but playing good increases your KDR. People always confuse that..
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steve brewin
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:56 pm

]First person shooters really don't require all that much skill....

Then in that case it doesnt require all that much skill to be a race car driver, pilot, or a captain ?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:51 am

]First person shooters really don't require all that much skill....

Then in that case it doesnt require all that much skill to be a race car driver, pilot, or a captain ?

Not even close to the same thing. Are you really comparing how good you are at a video game to something like driving a nascar vehicle? So in your opinion if you are really really good at a stock car racing game on the pc you would be just as skilled at a real nascar event?

You must be one of the arrogant losers that walks around going "I got skills my kdr is 1.7"
and your height is 5'5 and weight is 264 pds. But ya you got skills!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:53 pm

I am not saying it doesnt take some skill to be good at a fps. Just that some people really hold onto it a little to much. Probably the big fat slobs that cant move out of there captains chair. The 35 year old that text his mom from his bedroom to bring him some cookies and milk cause he is in the middle of a capture the flag event.
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Rhysa Hughes
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:33 am

Isn't this what constitutes "trolling"?

I've never been quite sure about the concept, but I seem to have read somewhere that it's about making ridiculous posts/statements solely for the amusemant of seeing people react (vigourously) to it.

Shhh...quiet you, let em get all upset : )

That's sooo wrong.......lol
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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:38 am

He's kinda right, but for the wrong reasons.

Crysis 2 as a solo player has a hideously low skill cap (This may be improved in 4v4 matches where teamwork becomes an important skill.) where if you've spent any kind of time playing FPS you can easily go 20-30 - 2-7 with practically any weapon+perk combo you choose. Unlike in oldschool games, where you have to be worried about positioning, movement, and aiming is made harder by the fast moving players and diverse weapon firing, Crysis 2 is another game of the 'click person in the face' variety (The nanosuit is a nice touch)

However having said that, FPS's (Really goods ones) do take a large degree of skill. Most pro players use a $30 mouse since they go through them so fast (Intelisense are the most common) and any keyboard they like the feel of. And most of these games are generally easily ran by anyone (Most people will run these games at the lowest settings possible), and experience of exactly where to go and what to do in well designed maps are a level of skill themselves.

Note that these videos generally the frags are taken against some of the best players, this isn't some pro messing around against noobs, but consistant play at high profile events.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:18 am

"Most pro players use a $30 mouse" If I could find one that cheap that would last any decent amount of time it would be a miracle....lol

My mouse cost $99 like 3 or 4 yrs ago and still works great....so I guess that was worth it?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:00 am


That's the one a lot of the pros use (Fatality I think for sure)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:55 am

Razer Mice For The Win!!!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:09 am


That's the one a lot of the pros use (Fatality I think for sure)

Where's all the extra buttons?......I can't live without my extra mouse buttons......lol
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leigh stewart
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:14 pm

Basically it gives you something to work for instead of have fun doing, like in the original Crysis/Warhead.

The cool part is when you level up to 50, nothing happens!

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:56 am

Oh and a real difference? I have one of the best keyboards and gaming mouse you can buy (the best imo, but others would argue it either way its one of the best) So how is this other player going to just out mouse me? I have complete control over my mouse and keyboard, I don't see how someone will be able to take my mouse and work some magic with it I didn't know existed.

You think being good at gaming is all about having gadgets or using hacks? Wrong. It's all about judgement, reaction, eye to hand coordination, perception...and one of the most important things of all...is how cunning you are. You give a pro a 5 dollar mouse and 10 dollar keyboard, he'd still pawn a noob.

Assuming that you have played enough of these games, what i said is indeed a very peculiar aspect of gaming. The noobs are generally a lot blurer than the pros. They are unaware of cloaked enemies next to them. They have completely no idea where they are being shot from. They are absolutely bad at choosing their fighting locations (ie. fighting in open spaces where everyone can see them). And perhaps they don't even have the urge to do anything necessary to get back at an enemy.

All these things constitute being a pro or noob. Many of these things are improved over time, but i believe that some people are just perpetually like that for all games they play. Hence, perpetual noob. Gadgets and hacks help, but without certain pro-like attributes, your mouse and keyboard does nothing.
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gemma king
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:45 am

You obviously can't understand the idea of skill. Simply put, it is being good at something whether a video game or anything else. If you think knowing where to camp with a shotgun means skill you are delusional. Camping is shameful as well as using a shotgun. Shotguns are easy mode for those who can't aim or want an easy close range advantage. People who get high KDRs because of using gay tactics have NO skill, such as using a grenade launcher or claymore. Only killing people from behind means you svck. Skill in an FPS is determined how much faster you can kill the other person and survive in direct combat through tactics and aim. Sure a good computer helps but as long as you can get decent fps the difference is minimal. If you want to see skill go play Crysis Wars, UT, Quake, CoD1 and 2, or many older games(newer games are mostly for the noobs that constantly knife and spam explosives). Don't think a racing simulator can translate to real life? Look up iRacing Greger Huttu. This man is number one in a racing simulator and when he drove a real race car he was one second off of a professional time. People skilled at FPS games have heightened reflexes and reaction times. Learn what you are talking about
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:49 am

if you think all FPS take no skill then obviously you dont know anything about FPS lol.

does crysis 2 take much skill? not really. but other games do.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:18 pm

if you think all FPS take no skill then obviously you dont know anything about FPS lol.

does crysis 2 take much skill? not really. but other games do.

That's not a very fair statement. Different games require different skills. Counterstrike requires aiming and burst control skill. Crysis 2, very much like Unreal Tournament, rely more on reaction and reflex skills. And if you can't see cloaked opponents with your eyes, you're screwed.
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:40 pm

if you think all FPS take no skill then obviously you dont know anything about FPS lol.

does crysis 2 take much skill? not really. but other games do.

That's not a very fair statement. Different games require different skills. Counterstrike requires aiming and burst control skill. Crysis 2, very much like Unreal Tournament, rely more on reaction and reflex skills. And if you can't see cloaked opponents with your eyes, you're screwed.

UT takes much more skill than crysis 2. crysis 2 is for casuals.
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