» Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:27 am
You can be anything you want with that start - wrongly accused, petty thief, mass murderer - I tend to swing towards wrongly accused for most of my characters. As for the suggestion of being a soldier, I would hate that, because although it might fit some of my characters, others would never be a soldier. My alchemist wouldn't be found dead in a guard uniform, but he was wrongly accused of poisoning someone who held a grudge against him. My thief character wouldn't be a soldier, but she was caught trying to steal back a peasant's wedding ring that was his only token from his dead wife and was taken by the guard by extortion. My morally upright warrior was arrested defending an unarmed and harmless beggar from a drunken/skooma-addled assailant who turned out to be the son of the local Count. My not very intelligent tavern-crawling character was locked up after a drunken brawl in which someone died, he's guilty as charged, case closed. You can work it any way you want really, it's a very flexible start, more flexible than most alternatives.