I think the biggest reason you are seeing bad reviews because the AI is terrible which makes the single player pretty bad. They are giving it an 8 because the potential that multiplayer has. I think SD really failed with trying to "blur" the lines of SP and MP, should have just made a traditional single player campaign and this probably would have gotten a 9(and some better AI) from a lot more sites.
To be honest, I do not care about single player, never have for an FPS. If I want to care about single player, go play Fallout 3 or Mass Effect. Or any other RPG for that matter. FPS are true multiplayer games, so I will probably love this game since most of the focus seems to be on multiplayer.
True. Also, despite that every one says this is a FPS meant for every one, this is actually a niche game. You need to love multiplayer, objective based gaming. A reviewer isn't going to be in that niche market, so obviously it won't appeal as much.
Check the user reviews versus the site reviews. Much higher. This, my friends, is a cult classic!
At least Gamespot has the goodwill to delay their review until they can fully play it online. Go Gamespot! (unless you insult Brink, in which case go to
