G3TM - the Ark
is on Earth - just an Earth that seems to be flooded.
I dig the vibrance I just don't like the faces. If you changed the faces it wouldn't just look like every other FPS.
Why is everyone talking Art Style now, I am only talking about the faces, I like everything else.
I have one word for you. Masks! :batman:
I know what you're talking about - I'm not too fond of the elongated faces myself. However, I don't really like most of the Security masks - the yellow circles for the eyes are creepy, as does The Freak's ski mask and The Looks' head covering. (Ditto for the SpecOps mask - I'm getting it for the Hockler.) http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110214020508/brink/images/8/82/BRINK_archetype_theshield.jpg has a nice helmet-and-mask combination at the bottom of the "head options," though I'm not sure about the caged-cannibal vibe I'm getting from the mask's breathing apparatus. (If I can make the mask black, however, the hole-thingies won't be that noticable...)
However, the commentary from the customization trailer suggests The Shield is a relatively late option, so my other option is The Bomb's helmet. From the homepage's customization pics the Bomb's all-encompassing visor seems disturbingly transparent, but footage from some of the videos seems to indicate that the in-game visor is (or at least can be) quite concealing, which will be useful in the case my guy has to have an ugly mug.
If I
can avoid an ugly mug, on the other hand, that won't be much of a problem, but since I want a helmet I'll probably go for the Bomb and/or Shield face gear anyway.

(Why have I not mentioned The Resistance? Because I plan to do the Security campaign first, and by the time I've completed that I'll have racked up enough points to give my Resistance guy a decent outfit.)