I've said it before and I'll probably say it again:
I believe he was talking about the Soldier's shielding-ability which has been cut.
http://www.mynewsbooth.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/Beth-Ditto-photo.jpg agrees.
http://www.mynewsbooth.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/Beth-Ditto-photo.jpg agrees.
...... I so want to be a female Heavy, that would be totally awesome.

Cabius, don't worry, you're not the only one trying to get used to the weird, long faces, too. I think most of the faces are actually hideous---only a few faces I can see will
suit me and if not, I'll end up putting something to cover his face (makeup, mask, helmet, etc), lol.
Being a female gamer, hearing about lack of females in a highly customizable game bothered me, too. I heard that the art director said they originally had females
and even had ideas on how to implement females, but had to scraqe them due to resources, BUT, they are hoping to put females as one of their top priorities
in Brink 2 or another IP in the future, though. (Let's hope, anyway! *crosses fingers*)
Oh, here is a female :turtle: and a :bunny: from moi.