Que big wall of text.
First fps I played was goldeneye, that got me hooked and made me buy a 64, then perfect dark. Then I moved onto counter strike and tfc, I was 11 around this time. Went throuhg various half life mods, S&I, DoD and a few other lesser known mods. Then I went back to CS. When I was about 14 I bought xbox and halo:CE, played CE for a while having weekly 4vs4 lans at my house, I noticed then I was a hell of a lot better than all the players in my school. Around this time I heard about MLG with players like Zyos walshy and the ogres, and read in magazines about people like Lethal and La1 dominating the uk scene. When live came out I had brief stints on unreal and rtcw which not to sound big headed but I was pretty good at.
Then Halo2 was released which was live supported. Me and a friend who played at the 4v4 lans I held started playing on live and realised we were a lot better than most people in matchmaking (granted connections were worse then). Eventually we met up with players of a similar skill and we got involved with he uk competitive community. Around late '03 I had given up playing, but my friend disloyal talked me into attending TSG1, to my knowledge the first proper halo 2 lan in the uk. It was a double team event and we were terrified when we got there and lethal and la1, GDFSniper and Ang3l were at the event. Once we got into the swing of things and settled into the environment we went the whole tournament without dropping a game. Beating Lethal and La1, the current european champions and WCG british representatives, in the semi final. We then beat Seph and Pr3d in the finals to win the first proper uk halo 2 lan. After that we really got immersed into the community and attended nearly every tournament (Disloyal quit for a while, but later returned but we never teamed again unfortunately). At the end of halo 2 I had placed at best in the top 4 european sides, and was a consistant top16 ffa player, although I could never quite make top 8 lol

had some narrow misses though. Disloyal had placed at best 2nd best 4vs4 team and was one of the only teams to beat Team TSG in a game at there peak.
I went on to play halo 3 tournaments, but never really had the heart for it anymore, especially now that I was in university. I quit playing, and my final tournament was XL4 I think, where we placed 5th best in Europe, 4th best in the UK (and I really let the team down with my performance at this tournament

). Several of my Ex team mates represented Britian in the WCG at I think shaghai or something and one went to mlg with a team and placed in the top 20.
After I quit halo competitively I still played games, but just with my friends from home who werent very good, or not at the level I was used to anyway (Disloyal had stopped playing games altogether) We played a bit of gears and cod which I was very good at, sorry for the big headed review :/.
Now Im looking forward to brink, A few competitive players (Disloyal and Rohan) should be picking it up also and getting on with me and a few of our less skilled friends from home lol. Cant wait.
Oh yeah I also had brief stints on timesplitters, tribes, and battlefield 1942 and 2142.
@Sublime - We may well have been at the same lans. I knew a halo player called Sublime......not by any chance you is it?