Current fighter/knight character:
Renee Gade II. That's her in my avatar. :wink_smile: Started as a Chaotic Good type, but now she's been forced to become Lawful Good as she's done Knights of the Nine stuff. But she so misses stealing horses and commiting petty thefts! :wink_smile:
There was also a Renee Gade I, but she 'died'.

What really happened is she became a little too much of everything. Fighter, mage, theif, knight....I started to get a little confused while playing her, started over with..
...I have a magic-using high elf as well --
Igodah Gopey (pronounced I gotta go pee, lol) but it's been almost a half-a-year since I've played her.
Very first character (literally after buying the PS3 for Oblivion) was
Lady Anne. She was basically a trial-chacter to get me used to the game. She didn't like the idea of adventuring, though, retired in Chorrol. lol
My next character is gonna be a Redguard slave. Or maybe a dark elf.

Chaotic Evil or Chaotic Neutral (not sure yet). Literally uneducated, can't read a book, which means no Alchemy, no skill advances from books, no knowledge of the history of the land, and quests shall be done in a way I haven't done before in Oblivion. She'll be freed unbeknownst after Uriel Septim and his crew waltzes thru her cell. She won't know how to read (actually, this might be a 'he', not sure yet). He/She'll steal for a living, live in the forest, and have one of hte highest bounties ever seen in the land of Cyrodil! Clothing will (of course) be rags for a good long while. He or she will prefer hanging with those with low Responsibility of course, after these people present themselves via discussion somehow.