uhmmm...I've just now realized SSD drives...are the loading times really that fast?
Fortunately, I've never needed too much disk space, and I already have an 250 GB HD...so I've been thinking of buying a 40 GB SSD (93 €) to install the OS and some games there (Skyrim amongst them), and salvage the old 250 for more general purposes. What do you think?
It's still a bit expensive, IMO....

Yeah they're very fast, in all respects. I got a 60GB, the OS and basic applications eat about 35GB of that, unfortunately. I have Steam on there; basically I have to uninstall and install various games as I want to play them. All my other games and applications are installed to the storage drive, but Windows still saves most application data to it's home drive (regardless of where the application that generated that data is installed), which needs to be watched. I generally try to keep at least 15GB free, because Windows is (or was, I have no idea if this still holds true) twitchy when it's drive get's towards full.
My Oblivion saves folder in particular is a beast, after each session I toss all my saves but a couple of the latest into a 7z and move them over to the storage drive. FO3 and FONV are the same. Huge save files, and since I'm a compulsive saver, and always make new saves, this adds up fast.
A 40GB would be enough for the OS, but that's about it. I'd recommend at least a 60, or wait a while, they'll come down before too long.
I'm a little torn on what my next splurge is going to be, but I'm leaning towards a Corsair 256GB SSD.
But yeah, the difference is really remarkable.