They pretty much had me sold at TES:V....
Call me a really devoted fan (forgot phanboy is censored), I don't really care. TES games are in a league of their own. Any issues I have with Skyrim will most likely be minimal. (barring any massive bugs come release day)
I agree with this, haha.
I've been playing Elder Scrolls games since Morrowind, and between Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, and even Fallout: New Vegas, I've come to the conclusion that the Bethesda way of doing RPG's is, in my book, the best way a game could be made. I see so many people griping about Oblivion, but I just don't get it. Sure, it's not as good in Morrowind in a lot of ways, but the amount of customization and creativity it allows a player to have is still above and beyond.
There are certainly some things about Skyrim that I don't like on paper (the removal of Mysticism, as it's become one of my favorite skills, although at least the spells aren't gone; the removal of specialized weapon skills and instead getting 1 handed / 2 handed weapons), some things that I'm unsure about either way (the removal of classes, and level up just being skills in general plus perks), and some things that I'm excited about (dual wielding / 2 handed combat; inclusion of Enchanting once again). Overall, I know this game is going to be great, and it's going to be one of my all time favorites, just as my previous Bethesda RPG's all are.