I agree with this, haha.
I've been playing Elder Scrolls games since Morrowind, and between Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, and even Fallout: New Vegas, I've come to the conclusion that the Bethesda way of doing RPG's is, in my book, the best way a game could be made. I see so many people griping about Oblivion, but I just don't get it. Sure, it's not as good in Morrowind in a lot of ways, but the amount of customization and creativity it allows a player to have is still above and beyond.
I'm so totally agreeing with you.
It's an Elder Scrolls game, that's enough. I've started with Morrowind, with absolutely no idea what the Elder Scrolls series was.In my 25 years of computer gaming, I've never played anything before which provided so much awesome gameplay. Oblivion had it's flaws, but it's still a superior game. So are Fallout 3 and it's offspring New Vegas (though the last one was much weaker than the original). Bethesda has the skill to create the most awesome open-world RPGs and there's no doubt for me that all the gameplay-changes will affect my experience with this game. I'm watching the trailer at least 3 times a day and I'm still getting the goose bumps every time the Elder Scrolls Theme starts playing with the Nord yelling "Fus-Roh-Dah!". The only game which provided me such emotions was òkami on the PS2.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9eGtyqz4gY could propably me.
PS: Some of the "deal breakers" here are so ridiculous..."If this is not in the game, I'll not buy it"....errr yeah..."this coffee machine can't clean my house, so I won't buy it."...or maybe "I'm not going to watch the new transformers movie cause there isn't godzilla in it."