» Fri May 27, 2011 4:33 am
In-game vanilla weapons? For bows, the rare Ebony longbow. Take that and add some "Night Eye" Constant Effect with a renaming of "Ebony bow of Wolfsight". I love Spark arrows of any kind, though Flame are just as toasty.
Mod added weapons, that is a hard one. There are so many absolutely beautiful bows and quivers rival Oblivion's in beauty, that I have to devote a room in the home to just displaying all the various bows.
For when an arrow won't do, it is a toss-up between the Stalhrim Long Sword, or the Nordic Battle Ax. I used to like the Daedric, as well as the Dwemer because of their conditions, but sometimes, you just want that puppy to look good before you cleft an adversary with it.