1 the spells: i just got the blizzard spell and i gotta tell you WHOA it is amazing i also like how they made so many different effects such as flame cloak, runes, CHAIN lightning and many other things
2 smithing and weapon improving: finally. the thing that really bugged me in oblivion was never being able to find a full set of deadric armour or a certain weapon now i can just make it and improve it
im on the fence about them removing the weapon and armor deterioration though on one hand i dont have to worry about it at all anymore which is awsome and in oblivion the decay rate was way too high for my liking. but on the other hand it also added to the experiance and challenge of oblivion
3: the no class system: in my opinion one of the best things due to the fact that in oblivion i would always start over due to finding out that i wanted that skill or that those skills better suited my style now in skyrim i can just incorperate what i want into my charecter.
what do you guys think of skyrim what do you like or hate about it