Whats your most odd class?

Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:20 pm

I think "Odd class" kind of explains it self. But if it doesn't, some idea's of an odd class would be: An assassin mage, A warrior thief, an assassin warrior, or a warrior assassin. Some of you may be thinking "Some of these aren't odd. Whats so odd about a warrior thief? You kill someone with your giant axe, and steal their stuff!" While you may be right, when I say "Warrior thief" I mean that you combine the skills of the two classes. Say, a warrior that has major skills of Heavy Armor, Armorer, Blade/blunt/hand to hand (Whatever your preference is) sneak, and security.

So whats your oddest class?
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 6:47 am

Light Armored warrior battle mage I guess fun class which favoured speed/power over defence
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Jessica Colville
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:24 pm

Not that she considers herself odd, but Buffy is the only mystic archer she has met in Tamriel. She uses stealth and a bow, but backs it up with magic instead of armor and blade. In fact she won't touch any weapon except a bow. She won't even touch a lockpick. She is very much a blend of sneaky archer and mage. She uses her bow to kill, and magic to shape the battlefield, support her bow and keep her alive. Her specialty during University training was illusion.
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Tiffany Castillo
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:08 pm

^ Yeah, like Buffy, my next (and probably last) Oblivion character will also use a bow most of the time. She'll back it up with a daggar & various homemade poisons. She's the Asian Assassin character I was talking of in that other thread last week.

I think "Odd class" kind of explains it self. But if it doesn't, some idea's of an odd class would be: An assassin mage, A warrior thief, an assassin warrior, or a warrior assassin. Some of you may be thinking "Some of these aren't odd. Whats so odd about a warrior thief? You kill someone with your giant axe, and steal their stuff!" While you may be right, when I say "Warrior thief" I mean that you combine the skills of the two classes. Say, a warrior that has major skills of Heavy Armor, Armorer, Blade/blunt/hand to hand (Whatever your preference is) sneak, and security.

So whats your oddest class?

I get what you're saying. "warrior/theif" is like a combination between a class which is typically overt, loud, and barbaric, combined with a class which is typically stealthy, cautious, and even studious. Makes sense to me.

My oddest class so far without a doubt would be for my precious lost Wanda Bone. Her class was Slave/Thief. She was supposed to be this completely illiterate & paranoid 20-something Redguard who happened to be good at thievery. She only dwelled within the Imperial City, was somewhat terrified of dungeons & the wilderness. This actually worked out well for me, as I didn't really know at the time how much there really is to explore in the I.C. (especially those sewers!) Despite the fact that she feared unknown subterrenean dwellings, she got rather good at evading the guards as she ran down those sewers. :D

She got approached by the Theive's Guild, of course, but didn't join. She was not fond of any sort of structure, and therefore took on absolutely zero quests (besides the Tutorial). She had an almost constant bounty on her head.

She was also supposed to have been enslaved, although I never fleshed out that part of her background much. I guess she was inspired by what I've read about the underground railroad in America's South, where slaves tried to make their way to freedom via a network of safe houses and night time travels back aroudn the time of the Civil War.

Unfortuately (for those who care) her entire set of game saves got erased somehow. :mad: I miss her sometimes. :( My current theif (Lou Zehr) is doing the entire Theive's Guild questline slowly, but there was something about Wanda (with all her limitations, inability to read, refusal to take on questlines) that Lou just doesn't have.
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:26 pm

An Argonian with the major skills: speechcraft, mercantile, sneak, security, alchemy, armorer (but he doesn't wear armor or use weapons) and mysticism. Favored attributes: Luck, and Speed. Birthsign: Steed. Not really an "odd" class but my most interesting class
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:00 pm

Very interesting classes listed here. Keep them coming!
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Rudy Paint fingers
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:29 am

Altmer,Apprentice Birthsign, with the vanilla Barbarian Class.
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Brandon Wilson
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