I like the name Ulysses. At first I pronounced it "You'll E-Siss"(no slow downs) but I have since changed it to "You'll uh seas" like the game does.
Sorry for the astoundingly useless comment.
It's not a useless comment

I just finished Lonesome Road and it stays with you. It's one of the best DLCs I've played. It's deep and sad and tough and hard and well, it has so many layers. I had to go on the wiki and read up everything I could about Ulysses, about his motives and how my character "the courier" could bring so much destruction to the Divide and not even remember it! I was speechless and I told my computer screen "I didn't to it! I would never do something like that!" LOL
The wiki explained a few things that still weren't clear to me.
In the end, I forged an alliance with Ulysses and canceled the launch and I'm glad about it!