Wow, a lot more responses then I expected! Too many to respond to them all. (btw Renee, see, I made another topic!

I never would have thought of Warhammer. Tabletop wargaming never really interested me, so I did not pay to much attention to Warhammer back in the day. But it is the right timeframe. The first I can recall having orcs as playable characters was in the game Shadowrun (where they were called orks), and they were already big, muscle-bound bruisers there. That was already in the early 90s though, so a decade after Warhammer started. I played an ork in that game, a rigger named Butch (he had a dog named Sundance

). He was a lot of fun, because I played him against type. He was a shy, sensitive, and very self-conscious guy who got in a little over his head with the shadowrunning business. But thankfully another character (an old merc) took him under his wing and showed him the ropes.
I cannot remember when half-orcs started appearing as playable characters in D&D. The wiki says they were in 1st Edition, got cut, then later brought back again. But that was so long ago I don't remember, and I never paid too much attention to the rulebooks anyhow. I stopped playing D&D pretty quickly anyway, and found better games, like Shadowrun, Earthdawn, the old West End Star Wars rpg, Call of Cthulhy, Champions/Fusion/Gurps, etc... Though I did get dragged back into a 3.5 edition D&D game later on. But that was because it was with a good bunch of roleplayers. The game itself did not matter so much, because the characters we had were so good.
I can also remember orcs before they got the pig faces. I never really understood that. It never did anything for me. That is why I use a mod in Oblivion to de-pig their faces. I prefer them more old-school.
Edit: I rummaged through my closet, and dug out my 1st Edition D&D Player's Handbook. Yep, Half-Orcs are in there as playable alright. The full orcs in the monster manual even have the pig-faces as well.