So Skyrim is comming and everyone has different ideas about their character, and many have a very good general idea about their character but can′t decide on the details, this thread is for those people.
The purpose of this thread is basically to let someone else decide for you (It′s always easier to decide for someone else rather than for yourself after all

So as the OP of this thread for Skyrim I will begin with my questions, it is ok to post if you are not participating but just try to keep it clean.
I′ve always loved the idea of a fighter in heavy armor with a shield and a mace that casts defensive spells (alteration & restoration) and has very little offensive power, but in Skyrim I will likely not be able to do all 3, so should I A: Wear a mace + shield and skip defensive spells, or B: use a mace + defensive spells and skip the shield or C: use a shield + defensive spells and skip the mace or D: Invest in defensive spells that last long but are weak and cast them before battles + equip my mace & shield ?