1. He does not, he's against combat robots but otherwise he isn't against technology, he just wants his Legion to not be reliant on technology too much.
2. He wants his Legion to stay pure and to not be reliant on medical equipment as it will weaken the Legion. Caesar on the other hand is not part of the fighting force and has no reason to not rely on it. Legion needs Caesar and he knows this. It isn't his time to go yet. Is he contradicting himself? Nope. The rules of medicinal usage is for the Legion and his citizens, not for Caesar. He's the exception to that rule. Unfair? Yes. But so is it that House gets to sit comfy in his Lucky 38 guarded by robots or that Kimball gets to use a vertibird and Desert Rangers when he arrives to the wasteland. Leaders get that unfair advantage.
Still, he isn't contradicting himself as the rule of medicine is set for his Legion, not for him.
3. He's actually moving forward, not backward. :confused:
1. That's a vague line. Hard to keep that up. You can't use combat robots that could spare hundreds of Legionaries' lives, yet you can use a high-tech energy-powered 'gadget' to fight with if it's on your hand.
2. It's not so much that he has privileges, like Kimball does. It's that he forbids certain items and treatments, yet makes exceptions for himself. Mr. House doesn't forbid longevity-securing technology and security robots, it's just so expensive the average person can't afford it. Kimball doesn't forbid Vertibirds or Ranger bodyguards. Again, the average person can't afford them and has no real use for them. Caesar is an obvious different case. He
forbids certain things, only to break his own rule later. No man in his Legion is allowed to even carry a stimpak. Add to that the whole idea of 'the weak will die so the strong can rise' philosophy the Legion has, and Caesar should know it's his time and duty to die. Yet he won't accept it, and wants to be treated with modern medicine.
3. Why does he accept modern medicine when his own life is on the line? Why does he accept modern weaponry when his own safety is on the line? Because he knows it's better than the tribal ways. He knows it's superior to what the Legion usually uses, yet he keeps his own people away from it. He is weakening his own Legion by letting them become ignorant of modern medicine and technology over time.
He doesn't believe in Mars. He knows he's not the son of the god of war. He's intelligent, and knows how to trick people into serving him. He thinks it's okay for his followers to be ignorant of medicine, technology, theology, philosophy and modern society as long as someone who
is knowledgeable is in charge, and gets to decide what the servants do. He apparently doesn't realize the twisted vision of the world he's teaching his servants, is actually also present within the Legion leadership. Even his second-in-command is ignorant. Lanius actually believes Caesar is the son of Mars, and Lanius brings dead NCR soldiers as an offering. Caesar will die, and this is the Legion he is leaving behind. What used to be a society of people kept ignorant by their leader, will become a ignorant society with an ignorant and savage leader. It is beyond me how Caesar does not see this coming, or doesn't care about his Legion becoming a tool of war for a savage as backward as the rest of them. How is this moving forward?